It's like gossip girl....in 2118. Actually, I'll be frank, I drew pretty direct gossip girl parallels and was assigning each character their Gossip Girl counterpart. That being said, if you need something to fill that hole in your life, this is it!
It's like gossip girl....in 2118. Actually, I'll be frank, I drew pretty direct gossip girl parallels and was assigning each character their Gossip Girl counterpart. That being said, if you need something to fill that hole in your life, this is it!
I liked it by the end, but I went a little crazy trying to keep all of the names straight.
The irony of not being able to find this book when I first went to look for it on Goodreads was too much to handle.
Went to the movie and now on to the book (the reverse of what I'm use to).
I feel like I'm a little behind (darn the library holds list), but this book was amazing.
I was so intrigued by the plot but I just wasn't a fan of the writing style.
I loved that it went into detail about each of the women at JPL (many of whom are still alive), their lives, and how they helped the space race. It then followed JPL over the past 60 years and how it's continued to grow. The only thing I didn't really like was how the book would quickly jump between each of the women.
I didn't think it was possible for me to love Anna Kendrick more, but apparent it is! Listen to it on audio if you can, she reads it which is just the cherry on top.