Getting in the Christmas spirit reading about the big guy in the red suit #santaclause #thechristmaschronicles #autobiographyofsantaclause #itsthattimeofyear #themostwonderfultimeoftheyear #santaclauseiscomingtotown
Getting in the Christmas spirit reading about the big guy in the red suit #santaclause #thechristmaschronicles #autobiographyofsantaclause #itsthattimeofyear #themostwonderfultimeoftheyear #santaclauseiscomingtotown
Just finished this book. Definitely through the characters into a different light then the first seven books. But I really enjoyed it. People change as they get older and it was nice to see a little bit of character development not only in Draco but also in Harry. I'm not the same person I was in high school and it was good to see these characters change and grow
Sometimes the books I borrow through Interlibrary loan are more for personal development rather than leisure. Does anyone have any suggestions regarding books on this topic? #enneagram
Listened to the audiobook read by podcast narrator Cecil Baldwin and special guests Dylan Marron, Retta, Thérèse Plummer, and Dan Bittner. It was amazing!! Totally have to start listening to the podcasts now ☺️
Another wonderful edition of a book I found while scouring the stacks at work. My favorite is The Tell Tale Heart. Not quite sure what that about my personality... 😬
Found this wonderful edition while at work the other day. Its a beautiful copy gifted to the library. Everyone at work knows that if it were to ever go missing it's probably in my possession... 😳📚
Thank goodness for Overdrive. Need something to listen to while doing monotonous work...
Love this quote about finding balance. Really enjoying this book so far. It's true that we are meant to read certain books at specific points in our lives.
Amazing! Erika Swyler has done it again. Such beautiful writing.
Just got this book via Interlibrary Loan and it is great! Such a great sampling of authors telling about their favorite books and why they keep them on their shelves 📚🤓
My coworker left this book on my desk last night. She knows me way to well! Super excited to read this!
So this movie (1986) on right now. It was one of my favorites growing up. I am probably totally dating myself but... Now I just have to find the book 😊
Let inspiration lead you wherever it wants to lead you... ...We make things because we like making things. As a writer & crafter I have always loves creating things. I love things that are aesthetically pleasing. Big Magic was a great book that got me back in the habit of creating in a daily basis!
Heard some really great things about this book. Not a huge fan if these types of "self-help" book but as someone whose sleep habits are not exactly normal it will be interesting to see if I could pick up some ideas on how to become a more "normal" sleeper ?
I totally judge books by their covers. I saw the cover of this and had to pick it up. I had to find out what it about... so far I'm on the fence.
A while back I borrowed this version of Alice in Wonderland through Interlibrary Loan (I work in a library). It had to be one of my favorite illustrated versions. P.S. It is currently 4:26am and the Mad Hatter has never made more sense to me...
This book is actually perfect reading material for a lazy Sunday in bed eating gummy bears!
If I had a world of my own everything would be nonsense nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't.