This was a very unusual read. I enjoyed it yet was confused for part of it. Two worlds collided in this unusual book. It jumps through time in order to tell the story. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This was a very unusual read. I enjoyed it yet was confused for part of it. Two worlds collided in this unusual book. It jumps through time in order to tell the story. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I have never read a book like this one. Wow. It's about the collision of two worlds, about the advancement of technology, about living even when the world is scary and changing, and about whether or not fate really exists. It's probably the most surreal science fiction I have ever read, and I don't think I could explain it if I tried.
What a great quote for this section of this book! (This section is about a teenage girl and her older brother who are stuck in a debtors colony until they can attract enough people to watch their feeds to make enough advertising money to leave.) BTW, the plot for this book has so far been unlike anything I've seen before. And in a good way
It was alright. Nothing totally mind blowing but it wasn't totally boring either. I wish there had been a little more connection between the times to make it clearer.
⭐️⭐️⭐️.5/5 First read of the year!! This book was like Black Mirror plus alternate universes plus hints of fantasy and sci-fi, which sounds appealing but there was SO MUCH instalove in every story. I was also really underwhelmed by the ending, where I expected everything to get tied up but I still have so many questions. Overall, this book was entertaining but it seemed to have a case of identity crisis.
So good! A series of connected stories about two universes overlapping and the consequences that follow. Each story happens farther in the future and it was fascinating seeing these events play out. Each character was so well formed. I wish I had a whole book about each. Funny, moving, and well plotted.
I'm really enjoying this book so far. It's Cloud Atlas for teens.
Is there a word for when you find a near future hilarious but also worryingly prescient?
Excited to finally get my hands on this one - have only heard good things!
I love going to my hometown for the weekend to read and relax by the pool! 🕶👙🏊📖
Morning read on the ferry!
My next pick! I'm usually not a fantasy reader, but this seems intriguing...
I totally judge books by their covers. I saw the cover of this and had to pick it up. I had to find out what it about... so far I'm on the fence.