How could I not play hooky and read with a buddy like this... #catsoflitsy #greatbook #notdoinglaundrythismorning
How could I not play hooky and read with a buddy like this... #catsoflitsy #greatbook #notdoinglaundrythismorning
Today I really needed a pick-me-up and I was so excited to receive this in the mail. I am so thankful to @MaleficentBookDragon for sending such a thoughtful gift. It really made my day. ❤️ She also included a great bookmark from @BookBabe Litsy is such a wonderful place and I‘m so thankful to meet so many awesome people!
The best friends are bookish friends; they always know the best birthday gifts ❤❤❤ The worst part is when they have to move away 😢 I'm very thankful for the USPS and the internet! 😀
"But I hadn't a facile tongue. So all I could do was watch and feel empty inside; Eve had assigned me to protect Zoë no matter what, but no one had been assigned to protect Eve. And there was nothing I could do to help her." ♥️ #debsstack @DebinHawaii
What I need when I want to laugh; I love listening to Kevin Hart. With some #lifelessons I can relate to and appreciate how he turns most around into something positive.
Definitely a great mail day! I can't believe after all the years of loving this movie I haven't read this book 😳😅 I can't wait! #catsoflitsy
I received the best kind of mail today! It made me do the happy dance :) Thank you again @WilliamMorrow !!
I'm pretty sure I don't have anything to worry about at the moment as he's beyond spoiled 😂❤ #catsoflitsy #petsoflitsy
Yes, Ove was a grumpy old man, but I absolutely fell in love with him. I laughed often, but also my heart was breaking. Characters became my neighbors and family. Even those I thought were unlikable I was somehow shown a sliver of good in them. How does that happen? The ending, while understandable, floored me. Loved this book! It was well written and evoked a lot of thought and emotion. Highly recommend!
Just started going through old boxes of books. What have I begun?! I am beginning to understand why my husband bought me an e-reader... 😂 He was tired of moving books around!
Looks like I have a helper choosing some of my old books to add to the centerpiece at the tea this weekend!
So excited to be reading this for our new book club! I've heard only good things.