Thank you so much Mariann!! @Mdargusch for my #cupidgoespostal goodies! Im so excited about all of it!!
Thank you so much Mariann!! @Mdargusch for my #cupidgoespostal goodies! Im so excited about all of it!!
Road tripping to Austin and reading. Being the passenger isn't so bad!
All I wanna do is read but there's this man in my living room who won't friggin stop talking to me. #goawayimreading
My library book haul today (bottom one is The Thousandth Floor) and a Goodreads giveaway book I won! Good day.
Free audible book with code: tidyup1.
Definitely should have gotten a digital copy of this one! This book is enormous and floppy and heavy! But I love these books so much. I can't wait to find out what happens next. Never have I loved characters as much as I love Claire and Jamie.
I feel like a damn champion.
Got this today with my Audible credit. Im a Gilmore Girls junkie and have loved her in every role she's played. Really looking forward to this!
Somewhat organized my little corner of the room! I really really need a lamp as my reading light keeps going dead on me!
Thank you @BookishMarginalia for my beautiful #secretsantabookswap goodies! I love it all! This was so fun!
This series is a guilty pleasure of mine for sure. An ex boyfriend introduced me to these books in 2008. I've since worked on collecting the entire series through Goodwill and local library book sales. I even ended up with two of some. Oops. If you need a good raunchy supernatural read Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter is your girl!
I'm five friggin books away from the highest reading goal I've ever set for myself! I'm reading 4 books currently, just need to finish them before the end of the year and find one more! Any suggestions?
Survived hosting Thanksgiving at our house for the first time ever. Only minimal family drama! Such a great day full of loved ones! I've really enjoying taking breaks to finish this book. I'm not a big romance fan but I love Nora Roberts books that lean more towards fantasy. This one has been great.
I think I've read every book and series Laura Thalassa has put out so far. I love her writing and her stories. They're all easy fast reads and that's why I love her. They're highly entertaining. Rhapsodic is her latest book (I couldn't find the correct title above as you can see but the book I pulled up is great too!) You should def check her out if you haven't.
This book is making me so very thankful to be married to a sane and loving man!! Whoa! About halfway through and definitely unsettled.
I'm a little over halfway through The Wonder hoping it gets better. Please tell it does... I hate giving up on a book. But so far this one is so dull.
I heart this book more each time I read it. Reading it with a highlighter this time around!
So excited to read these two...adding to my forever long to be read pile! #bookofthemonth #tbr
My October to be read actual book pile! I have a few ebooks I want to read too: Labyrinth Lost, A Fierce and Subtle Poison, and Good As Gone! I'm 14 books away from my reading challenge goal of 70. #tbr
Yes!! I can't wait! Have any of you read it? What did you think?
Trying to read this much anticipated book while this goofy cat attacks my hand every time I turn a page 😹
Reading actual books takes me far longer than I like. Every few minutes my attention is shifted "mama look" "mama I wanna hold you". I wouldn't have it any other way though!
#FunFridayPhoto two of our current favorite coffee table books! Both great laughs. I love Jenny Lawson. I feel like she's a close friend! I found my husband a fireman gnome so I had to get this How to Survive a Garden Gnome attack book for him too! He didn't find it nearly as funny as I did!
Decided fall was the perfect time to reread A Discovery of Witches so I can finish the All Souls Trilogy. It's been so long since I've read the first book that I'd be too lost when I started the second.
This is one amazing science fiction/thriller! It really made me think and had me a nervous wreck the entire story. The characters are so well established and detailed. I really enjoyed the audiobook!
The moment you realize a book series you've read has been made into a television show and you can watch it online RIGHT NOW!!
Most people don‘t really have a purpose, a sense of purpose anyway, beyond their immediate surroundings. They‘re important to their family but it doesn‘t go much beyond that. Everyone is replaceable at work, friendships come and go.
This book was intense and threw me for several loops. I loved every minute! Cannot recommend enough!
"I am too much. I am not enough." Sometimes a book comes along right when you need it most!
My #bookofthemonth pick came in this weekend. I Let You Go by Clare Mackintosh. Can't wait to read it!! And almost every other book on that shelf...lol. My read/to read ratio on my shelf is not good! Gotta get busy! @
I began my search with the one who loved me. You should always begin there, I think. The secret hurt, long nurtured, never brought to light, until it has grown lethal in the dark and the smile of friendship is all that is left to hang there like a lure.