So true. #bookstore #hereillstand #frozen #musical #book #booknerd
Seriously, don't read this if you haven't read the book. #Kingscage by #victoriaaveyard
Dammit, Cal!... *sigh*
Maven is a #monster. The ship isn't going to sail for Mare and Maven people, so let it rest. Ugh
The dark and twisted boy "king" has violated and abused her in some of the worst ways, and the subsequent PTSD she is left with a extremely realistic
Surprising rescue! Whoa!
And the end of the book? ... DAMMIT, CAL!
I don't usually post #memes but this one was too good to pass up! I love #alliteration
My loves! #HarryPotter and #DoctorWho inspired my user name and inspire my life. So many #friends have been made because of these #books and #movies / #tvshow
The Chronicles of Narnia is my #jam ! ;)
I've been in love with these stories since I was young, and my mom would read them to us. These #anthropomorphiccharacters were some of my first book friends!
"The moving story of a daughter‘s quest to discover the truth about her beloved father‘s hidden past."
Whoa...! Holy crow. This book!
I can't even.
Fantastic read.
It's one of those books that just seem to find you at the right time, and touches and moves you unequivocally. Beautifully written and the voice behind the story will amaze you.
#books #mustread #theunseenworld #beautiful
This was so much fun!
Iko as the narrator is brilliant and hilarious. I love that, unlike a lot of book to graphic novel adaptations (is that the correct word I'm looking for?! Well whatever, you get it ;) ), this is a continuation of the story, and not just the story retold in graphic novel form.
I'm super delighted to be able see these characters in action again!
I give it a 4 out of 5!
#books #graphicnovel #marissameyer #thelunarchronicles