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Blubber | Judy Blume
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At 80, living legend / author Judy Blume may not come to mind as #yourbestamericangirl but she has written stories that American kids think about and shaped the way tweens and teenage girls talk about puberty, periods and female sexual experiences. Recently she has granted film rights for her book, Are You There God? It‘s Me, Margaret, to be adapted into a film.


Cinfhen Like your interpretation 🙌🏻❤️ 6y
Cathythoughts Nice one 👍🏻❤️ 6y
Susannah I don‘t know what to think of the sale of the film rights. I love that book as much as a time capsule of a certain type of girlhood in the early Seventies as I do what it has said to girls of all generations since. If the filmmakers try to bring it up to date, I understand why, but I‘ll still be disappointed. 6y
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celtichik Judy Blume got me through a lot as a kid! 6y
mom2bugnbee @Susannah Perfectly said. I was the age of Margaret when the book was published. I feel exactly. The same way. 6y
GripLitGrl 💖🙌💖 6y
Billypar Great choice: there are few fiction authors with American girls as a primary audience who've had more influence than Blume! 6y
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Riddle is a ridiculously named 13 year old with over dramatic, cold parents. It‘s 1972 and something weird is going on with the disappearance of local boy Charlie Devlin.

I liked certain things about this book. The story, overall, was interesting. I loved Riddle‘s parents Camp and Greer, despite them being total assholes. But I had a difficult time with the writing style. Too many similes and metaphors. #nofemmeber #LMPC #yourbestamericangirl

Megabooks Apparently we both having a mediocre time 🤷🏻‍♀️😞 6y
Billypar I definitely have a threshold for acceptable levels of similes and metaphors- having too many is distracting, and poorly chosen ones can be cringeworthy 😬 6y
emilyhaldi I already know I hate this book based on your review 😂 6y
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Cinfhen Agreed @emilyhaldi and any author who names a protagonist Riddle sucks!!!!! 6y
Cinfhen And the parents are named Camp and Greer 🤮 6y
merelybookish I hate when a character has a ridiculous name! 6y
Susannah I read this for my book club. I read it in a hurry, so I don‘t remember the excessive similes and metaphors. I was definitely ambivalent about the whole reading experience though. Not a favorite of my book club. More 🤷‍♀️ than anything else. (edited) 6y
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DAY 18: #MaryKarr is one of my favorite female American authors. She writes so beautifully about her life .... do NOT ask her about David Foster Wallace. 🤫

PS. She is totally the basis for the P.G.O.A.T. in Infinite Jest.

#yourbestamericangirl #nofemmeber

Billypar After reading Lit earlier this year, I'm excited to read more Karr! 6y
saresmoore I haven‘t read anything of hers! Do you have a recommendation of where to start? 6y
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britt_brooke @saresmoore Yes! Start with The Liars‘ Club. Then Cherry, then Lit. That‘s the order in the time frame of her life. I love her because her writing is literary, but memoir. I think you will like her, too. 🤞🏻 6y
saresmoore Done. Now I only wish I had looked for them at the library sale! Maybe I‘ll be able to talk my kiddos into swinging by tomorrow... 6y
Reviewsbylola I especially loved her first two memoirs. 6y
britt_brooke @saresmoore I have an extra copy of The Liars‘ Club I‘d be happy to send your way if you want it? Shoot me your address: brittany.seibert@gmail.com 6y
Cinfhen Great choice! And I agree her writing is excellent and while I enjoyed her memoir, I wasn‘t smitten. 😕 6y
saresmoore That would be amazing, thank you! I‘ll shoot you an email now. 😊 6y
britt_brooke @saresmoore Got it! I‘ll probably get it out next week. 💌 6y
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The Glass Cell | Patricia Highsmith
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#YourBestAmericanGirl #NoFemmeber
I think Patricia Highsmith has to be the best of American writers, Ripley is of course the greatest villain and i loved Carol. Here are my next two PH bks waiting to be read, my gr rating of carol, and the title bk is one i read recently. And don't forget strangers in a train
A prolific writer and when the psychological thriller is being hailed as the new genre it makes you want to shout read Patricia Highsmith

Leftcoastzen She is amazing! Glad to see someone singing her praises! 6y
andrew61 @Leftcoastzen ☺here here. 6y
Billypar Only read two of hers, but enjoyed them both and looking forward to reading more! 6y
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Size 12 Is Not Fat | Meg Cabot
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Don't ask me why I thought of these books for #YourBestAmericanGirl. I haven't even read them yet.

#NoFemmeber @Billypar @Cinfhen

Cinfhen Great titles!! And fun interpretation for today‘s prompts!! 6y
AlaMich Those titles are the best! 6y
Liatrek This is one of my favorite books series ❤️ 6y
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Billypar Great titles! Messages like that are so important to promote in today's culture, especially in the U.S. 6y
LA_Mead I love this series! Hilarious! 6y
Librarianaut These books were so much fun to read! 6y
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The Hate U Give | Angie Thomas
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#NoFemmeber #yourbestamericangirl
@Billypar @Cinfhen
I'm going to go with a current author who's book i think should be required reading.
She's tapped into a problem in America brilliantly.

ephemeralwaltz 🙌🙌 6y
Reecaspieces I just finished this read. Fantastic 6y
Cinfhen Excellent choice! Have u seen the film?? 6y
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Billypar From the book to the movie, I feel like the buzz around this has remained high- I need to finally read it! 6y
GripLitGrl @Cinfhen I haven't seen the movie yet just read the book. 6y
GripLitGrl @Billypar definitely need to bump it up on your TBR list👍 6y
GripLitGrl @Reecaspieces it sure is fantastic👍 6y
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Bad Feminist | Roxane Gay
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#YourBestAmericanGirl #NoFemmeber Gay's title essay has a great unifying feminist mesage- rather than dwell on non-feminist moments, we should embrace a larger movement of "bad feminists" over few 'perfect' ones. The song's title isn't as un-progressive as it sounds (Mitski does refer to 'American boy' as well). The lyrics are anything but stereotypical, hinting at the complexities from two lovers being raised in different cultures within the U.S.

Cinfhen I really admire Roxane Gay 💕💕 6y
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Sylvia Plath: Drawings | Sylvia Plath
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#yourbestamericangirl #NoFemmeber
The downstairs Sylvia stuff - which needs amalgamating with the upstairs shelf....eventually....😁

Cathythoughts Ahhhh ... great choice 6y
Kalalalatja So. Much. Plath 😍😍😍 6y
saresmoore Ooh, I love it! 6y
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Cinfhen 🖤🖤🖤 6y
RavenLovelyReads Love!! 😍🖤🖤🖤 6y
Billypar Very impressive! 🙌 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Wow! 😍 6y
batsy 😍😍😍 6y
LeahBergen Love!! 💕💕 6y
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#YourBestAmericanGirl didn't know literary fame during her lifetime, with only a handful of poems published while she was alive. It still blows my mind every time I think about it.

#NoFemmeber @Billypar @Cinfhen

Tanisha_A Emily! 💖 6y
TrishB I know! Blows mine too. 6y
Cathythoughts Great choice ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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queerbookreader She was queer!! Or idk i feel weird applying modern terms to old figures but at least some type of definitely not heterosexual. There was a second photo of her found a few years ago posing with a woman that some scholars think was her romantic partner. Emily sent some 🔥🔥🔥 letters to her. Later in life she had this thing for her brother's wife and she also sent some firey letters to her 😭 there are at least 2 books ik that cover her sexuality 6y
Centique 🙌🙌🙌 6y
GripLitGrl 💖💖💖 6y
Cinfhen Nice choice 6y
Billypar Great pick! She's at the top of my list of poets to read when I finally get around to reading more poetry... I'll just add that to my already growing list of 2019 reading resolutions 🙄 6y
batsy @queerbookreader I was wondering about that. I'll look up some books on it. Have you read any that you'd recommend! 6y
batsy @queerbookreader That was meant to be a question "?" and not an exclamation ? 6y
batsy @Billypar I know right, my 2019 reading resolutions are looking way too promising 😂 6y
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Becoming | Michelle Obama
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In my opinion, who better to represent #yourbestamericangirl ? Strong, Intelligent, Kind. #nofemmeber

Cinfhen Great choice!!! 6y
Bklover I LOVE this woman! 6y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen @Bklover Oprah is interviewing her now on Super Soul Sunday! Streaming Online! 6y
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Cathythoughts Oh yes 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
GripLitGrl 🙌👏👏🙌 6y
Billypar Yes! Caught part of an interview with her promoting this- very well-spoken and warm at the same time: her book is probably really good! 6y
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