This is why I can‘t stop buying books! #BookBuyingAddict #CantStop #WontStop #SorryNotSorry #BookNerd 💙📚🤓
This is why I can‘t stop buying books! #BookBuyingAddict #CantStop #WontStop #SorryNotSorry #BookNerd 💙📚🤓
There is a chance that I am largely responsible for this. 😇 #cantstop #wontstop #buyingbooks
I needed a new library book like a hole in my head, yet here we are. #cantstop #wontstop #librarybook
Hi I'm Claire and I've checked out way too many comics from the library again so today I'll be reading comics until my eyeballs fall out #cantstop #wontstop #pleaseremember #intersperseyourheavyreading #withlightreadstoo #lovealltheOverThisreading #butbesuretogiveyourselfabreak #loveyouall #letschangethefuckingworld
Add me on Goodreads @lemonlime799 so I can stalk your shelves 👀 #serialshelfstalker #ihaveaproblem #cantstop #wontstop #somanyTBR #alsothisisagreatbookthusfar #veryfeministy
Swear to Christ, people. I've got an absurd amount of Harry Potter shirts. #cantstop #wontstop #untilifindaremuslupinshirt #thatISNTtotalgarbage #ffs #alsowherethehellarethehawkeyeshirts #literallythereareliketwoonline #needmoreremus #needmorehawkeye