Hi I'm Claire and I've checked out way too many comics from the library again so today I'll be reading comics until my eyeballs fall out #cantstop #wontstop #pleaseremember #intersperseyourheavyreading #withlightreadstoo #lovealltheOverThisreading #butbesuretogiveyourselfabreak #loveyouall #letschangethefuckingworld
maximoffs Have you read any of Gail Simone's Batgirl? SOOOO GOOOD 8y
queerbookreader @steverogers Omg I read the first one and haven't been able to find the second one yet but it's so dark holy shit 8y
maximoffs @lemonlime799 she's a riot on twitter too but I LOVE HER 8y
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queerbookreader @steverogers I read one of the WW comics she did and it was honestly yawn. Have you read her Birds of Prey series? I'm not sure if I want to try that one too or if I want to stick with just trying the other major series 8y
Chachic So jealous that you can borrow comics from the library! Singapore has public libraries but I have to pay to be a member because I'm a foreigner. 8y
queerbookreader @Chachic Really?? I think you just have to be a permanent resident here in the states to use the library. I wouldn't be able to afford to read comics if I had to buy them all 😅 8y
Chachic Yeah, so I'd rather use the money to buy books! Haha. I got used to buying instead of borrowing because we don't have good public libraries in the Philippines (where I'm from). 8y
queerbookreader @Chachic Totally. Are you living in Singapore permanently, or just for a little while? 8y
Chachic @lemonlime799 Been here for more than 4 years but no idea how long I'll stay.😅 8y
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