Happy Sunday morning! This is my daughter, Norah's, current fave book. She can quote it and finish the sentences and I am reading it in my dreams 🙄🦑🐙
Happy Sunday morning! This is my daughter, Norah's, current fave book. She can quote it and finish the sentences and I am reading it in my dreams 🙄🦑🐙
A view to the future! 👀
#litsy #litsybook #book #books #booklover #bookly #goodreads #toread #bookworm #bookshelf #readingchallenge2023 #leggere #libro #libri #julesverne #feltrinelli #underthesea
Thanks for the tag @Eggs 😘 I loved the quote you posted.
One of my favorite quotes/mantras:
Just keep swimming. 🐠
@theresidentromantic Thank you so much for your #AlmostThereGiveaway. And “almost” congrats in your milestone!
I picked Ariel for my favorite Disney character. I remember when this movie was released and I took my kids to see this. I just loved the story and cried when she said goodbye to her father. My kids were appalled that their Mom cried. 🤣
Not gonna lie, I LOL'ed when we read this. 😂
#raisingreaders #comicbooks #superheroes #secretidentity #underthesea #FLsunshinebooks #K2