Day 14 - #TimeOrTiming #SeptemberSenses
#TheTimeTravelersWife #AudreyNiffenegger
This is my favorite time-travel story!
Day 14 - #TimeOrTiming #SeptemberSenses
#TheTimeTravelersWife #AudreyNiffenegger
This is my favorite time-travel story!
Day 4 - #SadEnding #MarchMadness
#TheTimeTravelersWife #AudreyNiffenegger
I read this in 2009 and the ending was very sad!
Day 10 - #turnbacktime #literaryluck #timeandagain #fromtimetotime #jackfinney #thetimetravelerswife #112263 #stephenking
These are some of my favorite time-travel books:
Jack Finney wrote book 1 and book 2 about New York in the 1880‘s. Very interesting about a man who travels back. Unique picture of New York from that time.
The Time Travelers Wife is a nice romantic story.
11/22/63 is about a man who travels back to Kennedy Assassination.
Opening line: "Clair: The library is cool and smells like carpet cleaner, although all I can see is marble." #thetimetravelerswife #audreyniffenegger #vintagebooks #bookgnome #bookish #book #bookcover #firstline
My picks for the 🔥#SizzlinSummerBooks Challenge Day 8: #TimeTravel are #TheTimeTravelersWife 📚 and #Kindred 📚I enjoyed reading the former and the latter is on my ever growing #TBR list. #BookQuotes
I wasn't always this infatuated with books, it all started with one novel. It is true what they say, about how people that say they don't read just haven't found the right book yet. Years ago, I did! Once I read "The Time Traveler's Wife" I fell in love with reading! After I finished, I found a journal I had never used and began reading and reading and writing, writing book reviews/summaries. Now I can't stop, it's true love! #thetimetravelerswife
I have a #LiteraryCrush on Henry from #TheTimeTravelersWife and Bill from the #SookieStackhouse series. Opposite ends of the spectrum, I know.
Btw, #Ilikedthebookbetter 😉 #FeistyFeb
Opening line:
"Clare: The library is cool and smells like carpet cleaner, although all I can see is marble."
#bookgnome #audreyniffenegger #thetimetravelerswife