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Encounter at Farpoint | David Gerrold
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4 ⭐️s
A novelization of the first TNG episode. There are some obvious differences that they changed later during filming of the show. Riker goes by Bill in this, but Will in the show. Data‘s origin is different. Things happen in a different order and I definitely prefer the tv version of that better. But what I like better in the book are the thoughts of the characters. A fun look into how they think/perceive each other.

Book 1 of #BookTrek2024

Roary47 I might have read this a long time ago. 🖖🏼 7d
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Star Trek: The Next Generation 365 | Terry J. Erdmann, Paula M. Block
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Me and Worf's mum sharing a cup of tea in the same glass 🍵🖖😊 (though hers was lapsang souchong from a replicator and mine was cinnamon and plum from a pot 🫖).
Worf's having family problems with his son, Alexander, this episode, and the subplot with the soliton wave propulsion system seems like an ill-conceived technology!

Ruthiella Amazing! 😂 4mo
Aimeesue Worf tries, but as a dad, he really struggles! 😏 4mo
SpellboundReader What a fun photo! Sometimes I wish for a replicator, especially when I'm not in the mood to cook or crave a chocolate dessert. 🖖 (Sorry, I know that's Vulcan, not Klingon. 😁) 4mo
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Bookwomble @Ruthiella My son bought me a couple of the tea cups as a Trek-related Christmas gift a couple of years ago. I see them in the show a fair bit, but this is, I think, the first time I've coincidentally synchronised with a character 😄 4mo
Bookwomble @Aimeesue Yeah, he really has a good go at it in this episode, which with multiple-viewing foreknowledge of how it turns out, makes it all the more poignant 😢 4mo
Bookwomble @BeeCurious Oven chips or instant noodles are the nearest thing we have to a replicator, I guess 😏 And I think the Vulcan salute is universally accepted as a Trek-fan identifier, so you're safe 😊. I'm pretty sure any Klingon hand gestures would be hideously offensive, anyway 😄 4mo
SpellboundReader 😂 😁 4mo
LeahBergen “Earl Grey, hot” for me, please. 😉 4mo
Bookwomble @LeahBergen That is canonically and traditionally correct, and mainly what I do drink from these glasses, but I've got more than one kind of TBR, in this case Tea Brews in Reserve, which I need to drink my way through 😄 4mo
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive, and ever growing, TBR shelves. Some are old and some are new, some were gifts and some I don't remember why I bought them.
Day 32 (yes I know I'm late, and this is the second Worf cover)

Ruthiella Too much Worf is never a bad thing! Qapla‘! 4mo
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Q-in-Law | Peter David

I think this book is mostly pretty bad, but the deliciousness of Picard telling Q that passionate hate usually also indicates passionate love - my dude, are you hearing yourself? Talking to you most *ahem* hated guy??

khooliha Of course, this book doesn't know that queerness is real, so it misses the tasty treat too. 7mo
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Ghost Ship | Diane Carey
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Back patio Sunday afternoon reading.

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I just had to share this photo after I saw the “sock monkey“ theme for the #MarchMadnessReadathon #DailyChallenge.

Years ago, I knitted a traditional grey and white monkey for my daughter. She loved it so much that I decided to adapt the pattern to make another, based on her favourite Star Trek character, Data.

@DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES


DieAReader Love it!!!💙💙💙 (edited) 1y
Ruthiella So cute! 1y
bthegood love it - 1y
Andrew65 Wonderful! 1y
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Reading this as a buddy read with my son. He‘s practicing reading aloud and improving his English so he reads in Braille and I in print. We just randomly jumped in at book 8 because that‘s what was available in Braille. I think I might actually like the story, we‘ll see, it‘s not my usual genre!

Imzadi | Peter David
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This was not at all what I was expecting, but it was still a wonderful little trip into the Star Trek world of my childhood. I loved every minute of it. I‘m definitely going to be looking for more TNG books after this one.
#PeterDavid #Imzadi #StarTrek #NextGeneration #NextGen #TNG #StarTrekTNG

Q-in-Law | Peter David
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This is the only Trek book I've ever read, despite having enjoyed the StarTrek franchise from a young age. I read this when I was younger, and while I don't remember a lot of details, I do remember laughing alot. So, for lack of any other #LetterQ book ... I give you Q-in-Law.


KathyWheeler I haven‘t read this book, but I might do so. I love Q. 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing! 2y
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Sorry for the dark picture, but I did find a book and swapped one I am DNFing that I brought along.