Spike and Dracula team up in Berlin to kick major nazi ass 👊🏽💥to save Darla and one of Draculas brides from the Fuehrer. This was a lot of fun, ended on a cliffhanger tho, need to find issue 4 now
Spike and Dracula team up in Berlin to kick major nazi ass 👊🏽💥to save Darla and one of Draculas brides from the Fuehrer. This was a lot of fun, ended on a cliffhanger tho, need to find issue 4 now
It‘s X-DAY, baby!
Book: the entirety of X-Men, with the caveat that some bits are decidedly Not Good and also Peter David‘s 2005 run on X-FACTOR is the best. Really. I‘ve read literally 95% of X-Men. I‘m qualified to make this call.
Author: I‘ve enjoyed work by both Xinran and Xue Yiwei.
Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past. Is it perfect? No. Does it do fun stuff with canon? HELL YEAH!
Musician: I got nothin
Song: ditto
This was not at all what I was expecting, but it was still a wonderful little trip into the Star Trek world of my childhood. I loved every minute of it. I‘m definitely going to be looking for more TNG books after this one.
#PeterDavid #Imzadi #StarTrek #NextGeneration #NextGen #TNG #StarTrekTNG