The best part about living in Florida is that, even if you can‘t really get away on a day off, you can always go outside and pretend!! #springbreakreading #ihatewhenitends
The best part about living in Florida is that, even if you can‘t really get away on a day off, you can always go outside and pretend!! #springbreakreading #ihatewhenitends
I mean, can we just for a minute get a little more excited for this read. Eeeeek!!! I‘m so ready to dive in and even more so to start promoting/sharing with everyone, young and old! #SpringBreakReading #HOPEisadecision #hopenation
I had just settled onto the couch for some reading of my book club's current pick when a furry friend jumped on my lap! I imagine Sirius to be saying, "Why pray tell are you reading when you could be petting and adoring me?"
#catsofLitsy #springbreakreading
Just started this one and loving it already. #springbreakreading #BOTM
My 8th graders are super proud of me for taking the Harry Potter Plunge! #EnglishTeacher #MiddleSchoolDays #SpringBreakReading