Things done changed! New year, new baby 💖
Hurry up & close school so I can get my summer reading started! #6thgradersinterruptingmyreadingtime
Anybody read this? If so, what‘d you‘d think? I haven‘t ready it yet, but thinking about buying it. The blurb is wild! A mom has 7 boys and decides to treat the last one as if he‘s a girl because she won‘t be having anymore kids. When the kid is 8, she tells him he‘s really a boy and he needs to start acting like it. Crazy stuff!
Can‘t wait to get into these two! Maybe during fall break because as a middle school language arts teacher I seem to have no time during the year to read for myself 😕
“...just because there are no ghosts it doesn‘t mean you can‘t be haunted.”
I love looking at pics of peoples‘ book stacks. I look to see which ones I‘ve read. I look to see what kinds of titles and authors the person chooses to get a feel for what that person might be like. Here are a few shots from some of my shelves ☺️
I love looking at pics of peoples‘ book stacks. I look to see which ones I‘ve read. I look to see what kinds of titles and authors the person chooses to get a feel for what that person might be like. Here are a few shots from some of my shelves ☺️
I love looking at pics of peoples‘ book stacks. I look to see which ones I‘ve read. I look to see what kinds of titles and authors the person chooses to get a feel for what that person might be like. Here are a few shots from some of my shelves ☺️
I loved Little Fires Everywhere so much I had to buy every book Celeste Ng had written. I can‘t believe such a talented writer really only has one other novel!
Cute and creepy middle school ghost story. Lead character is an 11 year old black girl who frequently feels left out and ignored. Set in NC. I‘m about 2/3 of the way in and can think of several little 6th grade girls who would love this book! Too bad I‘m not in the classroom with them to let them borrow it 😢 #quarantinesucks #missingmystudents
Got all the windows open in my sunroom, enjoying the breeze, my books, my beer, and my dogs 📚 🍺 🐶 🐕
Catching up on some middle school reading. It‘s been 4 whole weeks since I‘ve been in the classroom with my 6th graders. Supposed to be 4 more here in NC. I have a feeling it‘s going to be a lot longer than that 😢.
Anyone read either of these? If so, your thoughts? They weren‘t super popular books when I bought them. Had them for a few years now and haven‘t read them. So many other shiny new books came out and took my attention away. The quarantine has me reading books that have been waiting for me on my shelves.
Looks like a storm‘s a-brewin‘ in these Carolina skies...
About to crack this bad boy open! Came highly recommended. Can‘t wait to get started then watch the show!
Been holding on to this one for a while. Might as well use these weeks off from school to catch up onto favorite pastimes—reading!
Good book! Slow start & seemingly unconnected storylines, but by the end it starts to all tie together. Not finished yet. Right now I‘m looking for recommendations for some new books. I love RuthWare, Lisa Jewel, Gillian Flynn & the likes. I also love a good horror/thriller/suspense story. Any recommendations? Audible is having a 2 for 1 sale that ends tomorrow I‘d like to catch!
“The boxes of Novril were still in his lap.” And this is where I had to put the book down and take a step back! My anxiety y‘all! I just can‘t!!!!
Surprised by how good this book starts off! Never read it. Sorta saw some of the movies but wasn‘t really into it. I‘m totally intrigued!
2 new books from my brother-in-law for Christmas! Can‘t wait to dive into Misery after having just finished watching season 2 of Castle Rock!
Where should I begin???
Izzy‘s helping me read the newest book by my favorite author Ruth Ware. I‘ve been dying to start it for weeks! It‘s been a long week of teaching 6th graders, so the thunderstorm outside, pumpkin spice candle, glass of Merlot, and good book is just what I needed!
Haven‘t been on here in a while. Since the school year started, all my time is consumed with lesson plans, papers to grade, and constant seating chart revisions. Oh! And cheerleading practice (I‘m the coach!) Ahhh, the joys of teaching middle school! And these poor little souls are still waiting patiently for me to tend to them. Already looking forward to our first break to dive into these lovelies!
Looking for some good horror books for the summer! Preferably adult (middle school teacher here; need a break from kid books!) and not super long (like Stephen King) so I can read more than one on summer break. Any suggestions?
Had to pause on this one to get several other books with library deadlines read. Happy to be back in this mysterious world!