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Read for my book club….
#pop23 #setinhollywood

Very interesting story, well written, but I found it quite repetitive. Which is understandable considering the story being told, but just not for me. The repeating pattern of Chysta‘s mum‘s new relationship, moneymaking scheme, crash and burn…. Started to feel like I was stuck in a revolving door, which I‘m sure is how Chrysta felt. But just stopped me loving what I was reading. 🤷‍♀️

squirrelbrain I can imagine how this could be rather repetitive… but at least it ticked off a prompt! 13mo
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I am not going to finish this one. It is so long and it feels as if I‘ve read this story a thousand times before. I am being very critical about what I‘ve been reading lately. I am reading a lot but nothing really memorable. I think I should take a break from contemporary American/English fiction for a while but I probably can‘t! #ToB23

sarahbarnes Ugh. I haven‘t been able to motivate myself to read this one. I‘m sorry about the lackluster reading lately. 2y
Cinfhen Another great photo 🤩I totally understand your #ReadingFrustration 2y
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Jas16 Oh no! This is my TOB book! I, too, haven‘t been loving what I‘ve been reading lately so maybe I will put off picking this up for a week or two. 2y
BarbaraBB @sarahbarnes @Jas16 I can understand why you‘d put it off but many people did enjoy it so you can just ignore me too if you want 😊 2y
merelybookish Maybe time to read a #1001 or #nyrb selection. I get jaded if I read too much contemporary fiction too. Helps to mix in some other eras! And the general consensus seems to be that this year's #tob short list is kinda uninspired. 2y
batsy I have zero motivation to read this one, too. And I concur about getting jaded with contemporary American litfic. I've been reading Plato's dialogues as a cure 😆 And like with Die, My Love there's always something unexpected to be found amidst translated works. 2y
Cortg I can get bored with books if I don‘t mix it up. I need to read different genres, authors, etc. 2y
jlhammar I support your choice! With all of the ToB books I have remaining, including this one, my plan is to be kind of ruthless. If I feel early on that it will be a so-so at most, I‘m bailing. 2y
Megabooks I know we‘ve been talking about this, and it‘s funny that we‘re all going in different directions to read new books. @Cinfhen is reading romance, you had some books in translation and speculative fiction I think, and I‘m reading business books about the entertainment industry. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ I did start this though. I like that it‘s set in Asia rather that the US/Europe. Thanks for sending it, B! 2y
squirrelbrain We should all bail more - it‘s good for us! #toomanybookstoolittletime 2y
BookwormM Oh no I have an ARC of this 2y
Ruthiella Agree with everyone who says to put it aside and read what excites you now. Maybe a few months or even years down the line it will be the right book at the right time. I think we‘re all suffering from TOB fatigue this year. 2y
Hooked_on_books It‘s always good to shake up your reading so things don‘t get stale. And you‘re missing nothing by bailing on this one. There are some wonderful chapters in it, but overall I thought it was a missed opportunity. 2y
BarbaraBB @merelybookish @batsy @Cortg You are so right. I mostly combine them with translated lit, NYRB, classic 1001books and Persephone. Now however with the ToB shortlist I kept reading the same kind of books and I should have known better! (edited) 2y
BarbaraBB @batsy So happy about Die, My Love ❤️❤️ 2y
BarbaraBB @jlhammar @squirrelbrain @Ruthiella I wanted to read and love all of the shortlist but I just don‘t. Thanks for the support! 2y
BarbaraBB @Megabooks Yes! We are making different choices! And will definitely find eachother again. Speculative books are really my jam right now and I hope you‘ll love the Shamsie beside the entertainment business books 😉I really enjoyed it! 2y
Chelsea.Poole Uh oh. This is one of the 3 I have left and I just checked out the audio. I‘m going in with lower expectations. 😬 2y
BarbaraBB @Chelsea.Poole I hope it is just my mood and that you‘ll enjoy it! 2y
Suet624 @Ruthiella ‘TOB fatigue‘ is exactly how I‘m feeling this year. It‘s a bummer. 2y
kwmg40 That's too bad. I've seen mixed reviews of this book, so I've been holding off, but I did love a couple of Marra's earlier books. 2y
BarbaraBB @kwmg40 Me too but this one apparently is less good than both others. 2y
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Chasing Starlight | Teri Bailey Black
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While I didn‘t love this one quite as much as her first book, it was still fantastic. Set in old Hollywood with some murder mystery and a tiny bit of romance thrown in. I had the killer figured out pretty early, but couldn‘t figure out the motive until the end. Highly recommend! I‘m using this for #setinhollywood for #booked2020

Cinfhen Yay!!!! 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Sounds like a good escapist choice! 4y
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If I Don’t Have You | Sareeta Domingo
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Blogger/artist Kayla meets film director Ren at a press junket, & there‘s a connection, they ‘get‘ each other. But there‘s a world between them, they‘re unlikely to meet again, & both have stuff going on...

This steamy romance is completely out of my normal reading (if anyone‘s seen my normal reading, please send it home!), but I enjoyed it. The characters are well-drawn, the conversations felt real, the complications weren‘t overly-contrived 👇

rockpools and the steamy bits were steamy! I also enjoyed the love/hate relationship Kayla had with her sister. And can we talk about just how stunning that cover is?!

This may never be my go-to genre, but I‘d certainly read more by Sareeta Domingo.

This is part of publisher Jacaranda‘s Twenty in 2020 initiative, publishing 20 Black British authors throughout the year. Thank you to #NetGalley and #Jacaranda for an eARC to review.
rockpools Ren‘s world of blockbuster movies is #setinhollywood, and he‘s there, sending postcards, for a couple of key scenes in the book (kind of tenuous but...) #Booked2020 Kayla spends a fair amount of time #greenwithenvy , especially where her sister‘s concerned. #BBRC #yeahbaby . Book 3 (I think) for #NetGalleyReviewathon @sprainedbrain @LibrarianRyan @Sarahreadstoomuch @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft @Cinfhen 4y
Cinfhen Woohoo 🎉 an exciting new ARC and it ticks off lots of challenge prompts 🙌🏻💕 (edited) 4y
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CarolynM I like the sound of this (I'm always up for romance recs, especially from people who don't read them much). I've stacked it and I'm going to see what its price looks like🙂 4y
rockpools @Cinfhen I‘m up to 75%, even with a bail this week 🎉🎉🎉 (little things!) 4y
rockpools @CarolynM I think I‘ve read a year‘s worth of romance in the last month - it‘s most odd! Hope you enjoy it if you find it. Definitely NSFW, mind! 4y
Sarahreadstoomuch I love that cover 😍 4y
rockpools @Sarahreadstoomuch The cover artist has *definitely* read the book! 4y
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Beautiful Ruins | Jess Walter
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What an extraordinary book! A patchwork of so many people, places and times, but it all came together so beautifully. I loved it. Thanks for encouraging me to get it off my shelf @JennyM I'm off to hunt for some Richard Burton movies now.
Also #Booked2020 #SetInHollywood

Cathythoughts Sounds great & great choice for this prompt 👍🏻❤️ 4y
JennyM I‘m so glad you enjoyed it. Such a lovely bit of escapism. And thanks to @Centique who put it first on my radar 🥰On another note, how are you?? Is all ok with you in Vic? Xx 4y
CarolynM @Cathythoughts Yes, it is perfect for the prompt. I think you'd like it. 4y
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Cinfhen I bailed on this YEARS AGO maybe I need to try again. I didn‘t really give it a fair chance 4y
CarolynM @JennyM Thank you, we are fine. We are at the other end of the council area from one of the outbreaks and not near the others, so we are feeling that our risk factor hasn't really risen very much. 4y
JennyM @CarolynM glad you are ok. Just watched Andrews‘ briefing - sad to hear parts are going back into lockdown. Look after yourself 😘 4y
CarolynM @Cinfhen It starts a bit slowly, and you have to be patient when it suddenly cuts away to something new, but I think it's worth it. 4y
Cinfhen Thanks and glad to hear you‘re feeling well. The idea of going back into lockdown is pretty demoralizing 😢 4y
CarolynM @JennyM @Cinfhen Thanks 😘😘 4y
LeeRHarry I enjoyed this one - glad you did too 😊 4y
Catherine_Willoughby What's involved in #Booked2020 ? 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great job! 4y
Ruthiella I loved this one too and how the plots intersected.😍 4y
UwannaPublishme I‘ve had this one on my bookshelf for quite awhile. You‘ve convinced me to dust it off and get to it. 😊👍🏻 4y
CarolynM @Ruthiella At first I was a bit disconcerted by the way the new characters suddenly appeared, but I loved the way it all came together. 4y
CarolynM @UwannaPublishme My copy had been languishing in one of my piles for years before I was inspired to read it by @JennyM 's review. Hope you enjoy it too. 4y
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Well, considering that l'm usually terrible with challenges, l'm quite happy with my progress with #Booked2020. It is already a lot better than last year.

The Doom List for #SetInHollywood was a great read. Strong noir feeling, great characters, an intriguing mystery.

An Un marked Grave for #LiveAndLearn about the 1918 Influenza Pandemic. This is a subject that is increasingly intriguing me.
A couple of chapters in and it already sounds great.

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Joan Didion invites us into late 1960s Hollywood in her 1970 novel. Maria (pronounced Mar-eye-ah) Wyeth is a struggling actress, whose fledgling career is in a stall. Maria just doesn‘t have much in life to be happy about. And Didion sinks right into the melancholic, Mad Men vibe. Didion‘s writing style is sparse and elegiac, which complements the story.

Full review http://www.TheBibliophage.com
#thebibliophage2020 #booked2020 #setinhollywood

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Untitled | Anonymous
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My #bookreport for the week. I‘ve had a little more time on my hands, as business changes wind down for now. And I just wasn‘t motivated to do any business tasks. Hence ... baking and reading!

#finished 4, 2 of which were super short.
#starting 3 more this week

And the Band 5/5 #nonfictionchallenge2020 #somethinglgbtqia
Tell the Wolves 5/5 #MAYBeNow #buddyreas
A Long Walk 3/5 #irlbookgroup
Play It as It Lays 3.75/5 #setinhollywood #booked2020

Cinfhen Great reading week, my friend ♥️ 4y
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Starting this one. I finally need to read my last #winter prompt from #booked2020. Since this is short and #setinhollywood, I‘m on it! My second Didion book, and I‘m just a little worried about how melancholic this is supposed to be. Not sure if it will feel like a good #pandemicreading choice.

Caterina If this one ends up being too melancholic for you, I recently read an Eve Babitz book set in Hollywood that was fun and light! 4y
Caterina (And it was short!) 4y
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Cinfhen Still haven‘t read any Joan Didion yet🙁 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen This is my first of her fiction. I loved her memoir 4y
CarolynM I liked this one, but it is bleak. 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @CarolynM Yes indeed. Made it to about 80% today. Need lots of chocolate to counteract the sadness ... 4y
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