Chapter 34: Jane gets the house ready for her cousins to come home for Christmas, and it ends with a proposal…. #stjohndoesntloveher #shedoesntlovestjohn #heusesgodasaweapon #justwhenyouthinkhecantgetworse #runjanerun #pemberlittens
Chapter 34: Jane gets the house ready for her cousins to come home for Christmas, and it ends with a proposal…. #stjohndoesntloveher #shedoesntlovestjohn #heusesgodasaweapon #justwhenyouthinkhecantgetworse #runjanerun #pemberlittens
Chapter 27:
Jane is in quite a blunder. Rochester gives a -detailed- explanation about his past. He even asks Jane to be his mistress!
Jane declines him even though it was extremely hard. Her strong moral values wouldn‘t allow her. (I love a female protagonist who‘s sure of herself) She jumps on a passing by carriage and gets the heck outta there. Bye Felicia (in this case, Rochestor) 😂💯
Chapter 26: the wedding #orwasit #speaknoworforeverholdyourpeace #plottwist #wifeintheattic #masonwtf #masonknowsjanesuncle #hetellshernow #afterallthistime #somanyquestions #runjanerun #pemberlittens