I need suggestions since I usually default to the actual curse words. 😬
But also “Oh, for the love of God and Cheezits.” 😀
#really 😂
My daughter flipped when I gave her this shirt today! She loves Joe Kenda !! My my my
Erasing penises was not in the job description. 🙄😆
Really? Masculinity is so fragile that fully trained astronauts grab larger urine collection devices so they won't be embarrassed about their penis size? Apparently this happened often enough that the sizes are now L, XL, and XXL. Like...what?
Another #oops moment #bookhaul due to unpredictable city traffic. What else are you supposed to do when you're 40 minutes early for your hair appointment that's oh so close to Book People? I always beeline for the half price section, so at least there's that...
February is a strict book buying ban. #really.
#BookPeople #MalapropsMug #indielove