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State of Terror: A Novel | Louise Penny, Hillary Rodham Clinton, To Be To Be Confirmed Simon & Schuster
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Alllllrighty then #readersgonerogue what do you think of these picks? Any catch your fancy?

melissajayne I loved Lady from the Black Lagoon 2y
5feet.of.fury Lady from the Black Lagoon was so good! 2y
DavidDiamond @melissajayne @5feet.of.fury The author of Lady has a podcast she co-hosts called Reading Glasses…I‘ve discovered a lot of great books and authors thanks to them. (edited) 2y
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Andrea4 What could be saved is definitely my top choice! 2y
FantasyChick What Could Be Saved sounds decent. I'm also on team How to Catch a Queen❤️‍🔥 And I'm curious about State of Terror.....I could go for almost anything! Lol 2y
Andrea4 Would also read how to catch a queen...give romance a second shot lol 2y
BookishTrish The queen it is! My brain is mush and romance is fun to read! Thanks @andrea4 @FantasyChick 2y
Andrea4 @BookishTrish totally get it! @FantasyChick when do we get to vote on your picks? 2y
FantasyChick @Andrea4 I have a list up a little bit ago. I thought I tagged you in it. I'll check! 2y
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Ok ladies, you know I have limited tastes: dark shit, historical shit and high fantasy. I've tried to stay away from the really dark shit 🤣 I've started Night Film but I couldn't focus at the time so I'm not far in it. The bottom two are a little hefty but if you don't mind, I don't mind! If nothing here speaks to you, I'm ok with doing a reroll!!

#ReadersGoneRogue @Andrea4 @BookishTrish

BookishTrish Yes to all these! I‘ll get a stack together soon! 2y
FantasyChick Well that narrows it down 🤣 How about you @Andrea4 Anything in this creepy stack speak to you? Or definitely does not speak to you? I could honestly pick any of them up 🤣🤣 2y
FantasyChick @Andrea4 Here it is! FYI since I posted I'm taking Anatomy of Evil off. It's a bit....heavier than I'm looking for right now lol 2y
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Andrea4 Omgoodness! How did I miss this?? Sorry! I was the hold up 🤦🏾‍♀️ 2y
Andrea4 Yea, so all of these sound intriguing! I definitely like the Sound of A Madness so Discreet. But I'm up for whatever you choose 2y
FantasyChick Haha @Andrea4 No worries! I haven't had much sit down time so far this month anyway. I've just been picking a book at random, scanning a few pages and seeing how I felt about it before picking 🤣 I do love Mindy McInnis so I'll test her out next! 2y
Andrea4 @FantasyChick yea...just cracked mine tonight. For like 4 pages haha 2y
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Attention #ReadersGoneRogue !!
Ok, here's a mix. 3 fiction, 3 non fiction. I think I'm rooting for the occult mind, parallel myths, or one of the fictions the most 🤣 but vote away! Or veto away! Whichever is easier!
Actually I feel like @BookishTrish said she'd read BHPB, but I could be misremembering 🤔

FantasyChick Oooh I'd be down for Occult or the Sarah Waters for sure! 2y
Andrea4 @FantasyChick yea, love these choices! @BookishTrish what about you? 2y
BookishTrish Ive read the Sarah Waters but am happy with all the others! 2y
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Andrea4 @BookishTrish @FantasyChick perfect, The Occult Mind it is!!! Right up my alley for continuing with my tarot studies too!! Should we start in April or is that too soon? 2y
FantasyChick I could probably swing April. 😊 2y
BookishTrish Sure 2y
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Hey #ReadersGoneRogue @FantasyChick @BookishTrish don't be strangers!! 🤣
I miss our postal book club. Anyone interested in trying again...or maybe finishing our last round and starting a new one? 😜

BookishTrish I was just thinking of you both! Trying to remember what books I have of whose (and failing). I‘m up for a reconnect! 2y
Andrea4 @BookishTrish witchy moment! 🧙‍♀️ I think @FantasyGirl had Lighthouse keeping by Winterson and maybe yours too? I don't quite remember but I think she got back logged! 2y
BookishTrish Ooh I think I have 2y
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BookishTrish It‘s me who got backlogged! I‘ll dig it out of one of the random piles of books! 2y
Andrea4 @BookishTrish haha alright! Well I know either way it's in good hands! I've definitely gotta make some headway on some physical books on my shelf, so I'm always up for another round! 2y
FantasyChick Ooooh yes!!! I was just thinking about you guys the other day! But then I got distracted 🤣 I'm going to start working from the office again soon so I'll have free (ish) time again to read so I'd be up for another round! I've stress bought enough books in the last year that I have lots to choose from 🤣 2y
FantasyChick @BookishTrish I DID send you out the last rounds books, right? My mind tells me sometime around Halloween? Or Remembrance Day? Before Christmas I'm sure. I don't think I have any here now but just tell me if I need to start looking 😅 2y
Andrea4 @FantasyChick haha I think @BookishTrish has them. And woo for having reading time again! 2y
BookishTrish Let the search…. Commence! 2y
FantasyChick Yay!! Just let me know when you want to get another round started Ladies! I'll set some choices aside 😊 2y
Andrea4 @BookishTrish @FantasyChick we could maybe start reading in April? 2y
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Patricia! Your stupid book made me feel feelings....like real ones. I don't fucking like it one bit. If it wasn't such a good book I'd be really angry right now. I'm sending it back. Along with Andrea's that took me the better part of freaking forever to get to. I'm going to bed both sad and lighthearted now. Stupid book.

@BookishTrish @Andrea4 #readersgonerogue

BookmarkTavern Well, mark me down as definitely intrigued! Stacked! 3y
Andrea4 This is THE BEST review!!!!!! I'm dying 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 3y
Andrea4 Also, I'm now slightly sad that my book choice didn't make you rage out from feelings. Ha! Challenge accepted, next book round it will be a competition to see whose book can make you crack! What do you think @BookishTrish ? 3y
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Soubhiville Ok I have to read this now. 🤣 great review! 3y
FantasyChick @ozma.of.oz @Soubhiville Do it!!! It's surprisingly infuriating 🤣 3y
FantasyChick @Andrea4 OH! We're playing dirty now? Bring it ladies!! 🤣 Also, your book did make me rage...but mostly because I kept losing my pen. Spoiler for a lot of my notes in it 🤣🤣🤣 3y
Andrea4 @FantasyChick oh, oh it's being brought 📗⬇️ *boom* 🤣 3y
BookishTrish It‘s on @Andrea4 Researching possible choices now. Together we can crack @FantasyChick and drive her to all the feels. She‘ll be like a freaking Celion Dion song when we are done with her. 3y
Andrea4 @BookishTrish I'm trying so hard not to laugh out loud and wake up the beau!!!! "Like a freaking Celkon Dion song" ??? 3y
FantasyChick @BookishTrish @Andrea4 You ladies have your work cut out for you. I can turn any Celine song into a "Rose was totally a gold digging murderer" vibe. Let the games begin! #ThereWasRoomOnTheDoor 3y
BookishTrish @FantasyChick There so was room 3y
Andrea4 @FantasyChick @BookishTrish well, I'm not arguing, there definitely was room. But did she really want the scrawny 12yo? 🤣 NO. ice queen! 3y
BookishTrish @Andrea4 I am the Ice Queen. And I am done with you, man child. 3y
Andrea4 @BookishTrish thanks for the steamy distraction? Hahaha 3y
BookishTrish @andrea4 We might need to pick a different Celine song… 3y
Andrea4 @BookishTrish "there were nights when the wind was so cold/that my body froze in bed/if I just listened to it right outside the window" 3y
BookishTrish @andrea4 Inspired. On it. 3y
Andrea4 @BookishTrish ok, but no decaying whale carcasses this time 😜 3y
BookishTrish @andrea4 The song does not explicitly state that it is not a whale freezing in the bed sooooo…. 3y
Andrea4 @BookishTrish 🐳 ❄️ 🐋 💀 3y
FantasyChick Say what you want but that song freaking smashes!! @Andrea4 @BookishTrish 3y
FantasyChick And 100% has fantasy or horror/Thriller written all over it 🤣 3y
Andrea4 @FantasyChick I love Celine Dion and that song (ok minus my heart Will Go on cuz actually I hate that), so of course it smashes, goes without saying! And hmmmm interesting, turning that song into a thriller. So is it him? Is he the killer? Does she know and can't resist??? Lol 3y
FantasyChick @Andrea4 In JR High we did projects for a fair of sorts on famous ships. Titanic just came out around that time and a girl in class was OBSESSED with Leo. Her project was Titanic (obviously) and she played that song full blast in the auditorium. On repeat. All day. For 3 days straight. I haven't seen the movie or listened to that song since 🤣 3y
Andrea4 @FantasyChick I would have killed her. I hated the movie and the song. Hated. Yep, murder at Sweet Valley high! Lol 3y
FantasyChick Oh and she is definitely the killer. This is a volatile, toxic relationship. Full of violent passion. And then he dies. Muahahaha 3y
FantasyChick @Andrea4 I actually almost liked the movie until then lol. Every couple years or so I think about watching it but then I get flashbacks. Traumatized 3y
Andrea4 @FantasyChick def toxic and haha don't bother with it 3y
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Lighthousekeeping | Jeanette Winterson
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Guy, guys, GUYS!!! I FINISHED! It only took like 5 months to read the shortest book ever but I finished!

Loved this book Andrea. It was almost haunting. If I would have had the time, this would have absolutely have been a one sitting kind of read.

Don't judge my comments....I spent most of this half asleep 🤣

On it's way to you @BookishTrish 🥰

#readersgonerogue #bookclub #aboutfuckingtime #alwaysthebottleneck


BookishTrish Well done! My brain is so mush I‘m betting it takes me 5 months too! 3y
Andrea4 @BookishTrish @FantasyChick I love it! Lol and I will not judge, but I probably will laugh! Love It hiding back there btw.... 3y
SamAnne I absolutely loved Frankissstein and want to read more by this author. Stacked! 3y
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Lighthousekeeping | Jeanette Winterson
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I can always tell when the seasons begin to change because it never fails to bring me a cold. 🤧

Made myself a little sleepy-time cocktail to hopefully get a good night's rest and some well over due down time.

#bookandbath #selfcare #tubseason #winteriscoming #readersgonerogue

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I hope you feel better ❤️‍🩹 3y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Feel better soon. 💖 3y
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The Other Black Girl | Zakiya Dalila Harris
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Half done and it feels like nothing is happening but something is about to happen. Is it? Should I keep reading?

sarahbellum I was incredibly bored by this one. I only finished it because I read it for book club 😕. Nothing really happens until the last 30 pages 3y
BookishTrish @sarahbellum Thanks for the heads up! 3y
Andrea4 Hey just checking in to see if you guys sent anything that may have gone to my old address? @FantasyChick and I honestly can't even remember what I sent around for #readersgonerogue haha 3y
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BookishTrish I haven‘t received your pick yet and I have Vanessa‘s pick on my bedside table. I‘ll read it next and send it to your new address 3y
dragondrool We read it for our real-time book club, and pretty much all felt like we were missing something we should've gotten out of it. We all found it slow and somewhat tedious.
FantasyChick Hahaha oh @Andrea4 I have a box that has been sitting here waiting to go to you. I'm so far behind in everything it isn't even funny these days 🤣 I've got Lighthousekeeping and @BookishTrish 's pick sitting here very, very slowly being read. You'll get a kick out of my comments. Alot of them are dates that I pick them back up 🤣🤣 3y
BookishTrish 🤣🤣🤣 3y
Andrea4 @FantasyChick @BookishTrish ooooh, ok, no that's good. I just didn't want anything to be lost! I can't wait to get the book back now! 😂 3y
FantasyChick The exhaustion is real these days. I actually finally sorted through clothes to donate months ago because I was tired of the clutter....so they sat in bags at the foot of my bed for 3 months before I finally moved them to the car...where they stayed for another month. They didn't move to the donation bin until last week 😂 3y
Andrea4 @FantasyChick haha sounds like my mom! 3y
BookishTrish @Fantasychick sounds like everyone I know recently 🤗 (edited) 3y
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Bird Box: A Novel | Josh Malerman
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Just started this this morning, cuz you know, I can't get enough of that apocalyptic/pandemic-y feel these days lol.

@FantasyChick @BookishTrish let me know if you guys got my book mail I posted a few weeks back! Also, I'm now officially moved so before you mail me anything, remind me to send you my new address if I haven't by then!

FantasyChick Pretty sure I got a package from you! Hope the move went well! 3y
Andrea4 @FantasyChick that took a while ..lol. 3y
Andrea4 @FantasyChick and yes, the move went quite well! Pretty much all settled in, just actually need some more furniture to make it homey 🥰 3y
FantasyChick Send me your address when you get the chance. I have a little housewarming gifty for you 😘😘 3y
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Realised I totally forgot to post my review of this. I finished it Wed on commute home from work (don't worry, beau was driving).
I LOVED this book. It was so quick, easy to pick up, an engrossing story even though it was written in small "snippets." I always say I love a story that breaks my heart and mends it again and again ? perfect choice @BookishTrish
#ReadersGoneRogue @FantasyChick

Andrea4 Gonna send this out tomorrow @BookishTrish @FantasyChick ☺️I'm a wee late on it, haha, but I haven't gotten the next one so I cant be too far behind! 3y
BookishTrish Oooh I think I have the next one buried in a stack somewhere. 3y
FantasyChick Oh I think you're fine. Mine is somewhere on the random crap shelf we shove everything to get it out of demon toddler reach 🤣 3y
FantasyChick I have a couple chapters left to go before sending it out to @BookishTrish 3y
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