Guess what day it is? It‘s Whale Day! I preordered this last summer from my favorite indie #QuailRidgeBooks and it came in today‘s mail. 😀🐳
Guess what day it is? It‘s Whale Day! I preordered this last summer from my favorite indie #QuailRidgeBooks and it came in today‘s mail. 😀🐳
Went to my favorite local #indiebookstore today, #QuailRidgeBooks, just to meet the Grinch. I brought the kids along too, but truth be told, I was the most excited! Also, it turned out to be parody cookbook day. Who knew?
"I got the idea to write a book about real estate. And turns out teenagers aren't that interested in real estate." -E. Lockhart talking about getting the idea for We Were Liars and how it evolved from there. This is a picture of her signing outside when a fire alarm went off in the store. #QuailRidgeBooks
E. Lockhart event at Quail Ridge Books tonight! Right now she's talking about her love/hate relationship with the privileged life she grew up in. This woman can actually write boarding school kids in a way that makes me care about them. #QuailRidgeBooks
I'm not gonna lie, it's probably Amazon. 2nd would be my local independent Bookstore, #quailridgebooks.
Preordered 2 books so I could get 2 tickets! This event is on my birthday and this is how I'm spending it with my husband. He's never read any Maas books and 99% sure he never will, but hes been a trooper and joining in on the fun for me!
I. Can't. Wait.
Any #littens in the triangle area going?
#towerofdawn #sarahjmaastour
North Carolina Littens. Marissa Meyer is coming to #QuailRidgeBooks in Raleigh in the Fall. She is will be there on Sunday, November 12th. Mark your calendars with the date if you wish to see her for this book tour!
The NC Litsy meetup! #QuailRidgeBooks