Watching the #patriots Duck Boat parade while I work today. #superbowlLI #tomterrific #masshole #rogerthat #driveforfive #onemore
Watching the #patriots Duck Boat parade while I work today. #superbowlLI #tomterrific #masshole #rogerthat #driveforfive #onemore
I know there may not be a lot of Littens (or maybe there are?) watching the Super Bowl, but I'm so excited and I just can't hide it!! So proud of our boys and cannot wait to see them compete in the biggest game of the year! #letsgo #patriotsnation #onemore #doyourjob #hatersgonnahate
Well, dear Littens, I only made it about 8 hours and 43 minutes for this #24in48 #readathon. Life and errands and playoff football thwarted me from reading much today. I wish the rest of you #readathoners luck in reaching your reading goals. Now to root on my boys. #gopats #onemore #proudreaderandfootballfan