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A quick reread for fun tonight. Phyrne! So delightful. #mystery #libby #missfisher

Weaponxgirl I love the show so much! You always seem to be reminding me of what‘s on my tbr 😉 6y
suzisteffen @Weaponxgirl ha! When I started watching the show, I also read all of the books in the series in one month. But that was a while back, and I just wanted something relaxing to put me to sleep (I read it all and wasn‘t sleepy, but that‘s not Kerry Greenwood‘s fault). 6y
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1920s Omnibus | Agatha Christie
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I've compiled a summer reading list on my blog of novels set in the 1920s.
Errrr... no, l don't suppose to read all of the during this summer (me? Such a slow reader??????) but l do expect to come to all of them, eventually.

Anyone has read any of these?


erzascarletbookgasm I have the first Amy Stewart on my TBR. All the rest look so good! 6y
Chrissyreadit These sound great! I added the National Park ones to my stack, and one of the net galleys sounds so good! 6y
Chrissyreadit No Phryne Fisher? 6y
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JazzFeathers @erzascarletbookgasm l've received the for the book from Netgalley after l was denied the first three. I'm so curious to finally read it. 6y
JazzFeathers @Chrissyreadit If you are on Netgalley, the second in the Vintage Park series is currently available for request. Ah! I know, l didn't include Miss Fisher. But l tried to showcase series and books that are coming out in the next couple months. I've written a few reviews of #MissFisher books on my blog, if you feel like checking them out 😊 6y
Chrissyreadit @JazzFeathers I definitely do not do well with timelines and books , my day to day varies - sometimes I read three books in a week, sometimes a week only reading Litsy and listening to podcasts. I will check out your reviews. 6y
Chrissyreadit And thanks! This was a great post! 6y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk It‘s not very Jazz Age-y but I just finished Ray Bradbury‘s Dandelion Wine which is about small town life in the summer of 1928. 6y
PurpleyPumpkin Great post! I had no idea that a new Copp Sisters book is coming out soon. Thanks for the update. 👍🏽 6y
JazzFeathers Thanks to you @Chrissyreadit l'm happy you found it usefull 😊 6y
JazzFeathers @TobeyTheScavengerMonk l've seen a post on my feed, maybe it was your 😉 Was it good? 6y
JazzFeathers @PurpleyPumpkin lf you are on NetGalley, it is currently available for request 😊 6y
JazzFeathers @TobeyTheScavengerMonk Goodness! Then l'm afraid l'll have to add it to my TBR 😆 6y
writerlibrarian These two series are not new but worth discovering. (edited) 6y
JazzFeathers Thanks @writerlibrarian l've staked both 😆 6y
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Started this yesterday on the train home. From what l hear, this is supposed to be one of the best of the series.
I'm eager to learn more about Phrynie's past.

I have a question. From another novel, l had the impression Phrynie was approaching her 40s, but from this book's calcolato, she is 28.
Anyone may illuminate me?
#MissFisher #PhryneAppreciationClub

Amie Yes, she's 28. I think the first book in the series gives her age, too. 7y
JazzFeathers @amie So that is? I kind of think that's s bit too young for the kind of experienced woman Phryne is depicted to be 🤔 7y
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Just finished this mystery set in 1930s Cambridge and absolutely loved it three different threads, all very strong.

Proper review will follow shartly

WhatDeeReads One more down! Where to next? 7y
JazzFeathers @WhatDeeReads l'll have to go with #MissFisher Her ARCs frin NetGalley are piling up 😣 7y
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#FallIntoBooks #FallReads

These are a few of the books l plan to read this Fall. I have actually three #MissFisher lined up, and they are only a few of the novels #SetInFaveEra the 1920s that l plan to read

juliannebenford Definitely my fave era too! I can't get enough of it 😊 7y
JazzFeathers @juliannebenford l'm finding a surprising number of novel set in this era, especially cosy mysteries... and l certainly don't complain about it 😁 7y
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One of the best #MissFisher mysteries l've read so far. A good, suitable complex puzzle, personal involvement for Phryne and a great insight into the lives of women in Western society in the 1920s, particularly those that stepped out of their place.

Actually,sometimes the social portrayal obliterates the plot. But l won't complain


BellaBookNook Yay! I'm currently reading Cocaine Blues and enjoying it. I'm glad to hear they get even better. 7y
JazzFeathers @BellaBookNook lt really depends on the single book. Some are good, some are fantastic, some other are so-so. It's a very uneven series 7y
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Collected Essays and Poems | Henry David Thoreau
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Coloring while binge watching #MissFisher 💜💜💜 #Thoreau

writerlibrarian I binged rewatched series 1 and 2 a few weeks ago. Soooo good. 7y
Laalaleighh That's so pretty! 7y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Finished #MissFisher yesterday night. I enjoyed it. Post will follow soon.

Now l'm onto four ARCs, which should bring me to next #LitsyPartyOfOne

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I'm clocking in at 57%
Can't go any further, can't keep my eyes open. Not too bad for me, anyway. I'm enjoying the book, it has that distinguished #MissFisher flavour

Goodnight everyone 😴

BibliophileMomma Good night! Thanks for joining in our fun! 7y
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None of Us the Same | Jeffrey K Walker
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And so, this book is finished. Now on to #MissFisher after dinner

BibliophileMomma Awesome! Yay for finishing your first book of the readathon! 🙌🏼😀 7y
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