A quick reread for fun tonight. Phyrne! So delightful. #mystery #libby #missfisher
A quick reread for fun tonight. Phyrne! So delightful. #mystery #libby #missfisher
I've compiled a summer reading list on my blog of novels set in the 1920s.
Errrr... no, l don't suppose to read all of the during this summer (me? Such a slow reader??????) but l do expect to come to all of them, eventually.
Anyone has read any of these?
Started this yesterday on the train home. From what l hear, this is supposed to be one of the best of the series.
I'm eager to learn more about Phrynie's past.
I have a question. From another novel, l had the impression Phrynie was approaching her 40s, but from this book's calcolato, she is 28.
Anyone may illuminate me?
#MissFisher #PhryneAppreciationClub
Just finished this mystery set in 1930s Cambridge and absolutely loved it three different threads, all very strong.
Proper review will follow shartly
#FallIntoBooks #FallReads
These are a few of the books l plan to read this Fall. I have actually three #MissFisher lined up, and they are only a few of the novels #SetInFaveEra the 1920s that l plan to read
One of the best #MissFisher mysteries l've read so far. A good, suitable complex puzzle, personal involvement for Phryne and a great insight into the lives of women in Western society in the 1920s, particularly those that stepped out of their place.
Actually,sometimes the social portrayal obliterates the plot. But l won't complain
Finished #MissFisher yesterday night. I enjoyed it. Post will follow soon.
Now l'm onto four ARCs, which should bring me to next #LitsyPartyOfOne
I'm clocking in at 57%
Can't go any further, can't keep my eyes open. Not too bad for me, anyway. I'm enjoying the book, it has that distinguished #MissFisher flavour
Goodnight everyone 😴