Been madly getting through more #mayrso2023 two contemporary romances for older teens, and two historical adventures for middle readers. Moving onto June now soon, I reckon.
Been madly getting through more #mayrso2023 two contemporary romances for older teens, and two historical adventures for middle readers. Moving onto June now soon, I reckon.
#mayrso2023 #digitalarc #graphic #memoir A story about kids with cancer at camp? Of course I cried. #middlefiction #griefandloss #bravery #family
My other #currentread is now not arriving until June so it‘s on hold while other #mayrso2023 take priority. I didn‘t know this one was coming, so am v excited about it. Already 2/3 through (#cantputitdown) and am a little fearful about what MC Perry is about to do. Aargh don‘t you hate it when your fictional heroes make bad decisions? Hoping for a happy ending, just know I will have to get through some suspenseful and scary parts first.
#currentlyreading #preview #printarc #mayrso2023 #ukya #griefandloss #mentalhealth #suicide #family #sisters #trauma #celebrities Argh this is going to be a thought read
#currentlyreading Moving on to #mayrso2023 #preview #digitalarc #lgbtqia+ I read this author‘s first novel and enjoyed his queer take on the post apocalyptic landscape. And his new sweet contemporary love story looks good too. Diving in!