Loving these quotes at the beginning of each chapter!! So fun and so cute! #janeofaustin #hillarymantonlodge #contemporaryromance #currentlyreading #amreading
Loving these quotes at the beginning of each chapter!! So fun and so cute! #janeofaustin #hillarymantonlodge #contemporaryromance #currentlyreading #amreading
Just starting this one! I don't usually read contemporary romance, but it has a Jane Austen themed plot and that cover 😍! #branchingout #janeofaustin #hillarymantonlodge #coverlove #contemporaryromance #janeaustentheme #buthistoricalismyfirstlove
Yesterday's #bookmail is oh so pretty! Branching out a little with a contemporary romance! #lovebookmail #contemporaryromance #janeofaustin #hillarymantonlodge #sweetteaandsensibility #coverlove