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Wow! Loads of music to discover with this tag #IndependentWoman 😊🎶😌
Here's my offering:


BarbaraBB Could have been my list ?? I looove Beth Gibbons! And Dead Can Dance! And Anthony and the Johnsons! And Kate, Patti, Björk… ? 2y
vivastory Such a wonderful list! 🤘 2y
Bookwomble @BarbaraBB @vivastory Thanks for the 🎶 love 😊 2y
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Starflight | Melissa Landers
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Solara Brooks is a very #independentwoman. She seeks life on the outer reaches of the galaxy so that she can live and die by her own merit. Loved this book and need to read the sequel. #augustgrrrl

Robothugs I bought this but haven't read it yet. Glad to hear it's good! 7y
LibrarianRyan @Robothugs I really liked it. Is it life changing no, but it was a fun read. 7y
Robothugs Life changing isn't needed in every book. I enjoy the fun books as well. 😊 I'll definitely move it up on my list! 7y
LibrarianRyan @Robothugs I have book 2 and it is on my TBR but I am trying to get my challenge reads done first. Apparently book one didn't sell enough for a book 3. 7y
Robothugs That's disappointing. ☹️ Stuff like that always makes me sad. I need to start chipping away at my challenges as well. 7y
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Complete Stories | Flannery O'Connor
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If I ever decide to have kids, there's a 90% chance I'll name my daughter Flannery. #IndependentWoman #AugustGrrrl

lynneamch Have you read this imagined story about her after she returns home? I loved it. 7y
JacintaMCarter @lynneamch I haven't read that one. I'll have to check it out. 7y
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The Birdman's Wife | Melissa Ashley
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Elizabeth Gould must have been a strong #independentwoman - although a wife and mother, she also worked for her husband, producing hundreds of lithographs to illustrate John Gould's work. She even travelled with him to Van Dieman's land, leaving her children at home, so she could help in the documentation of Australia's bird life.

This copy is sans dust jacket and features her lithographs on the cover and fly sheets.


Megabooks Beautiful book cover! 7y
batsy That's so pretty! 7y
Sue @Booksandcooks @batsy I originally got it as an arc, but I had to buy the physical copy when I saw it. The dust jacket is gorgeous too. I saw the author talk when she was launching the book and she was over the moon with the way the publisher put it together. 7y
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A Certain Age: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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This #blameitonlitsy tbr seems to be about an #independentwoman having an extramarital experience with a younger man. Her jazz era #hairthereandeverywhere and outfit make a cool cover. #augustgirrrls #anditsaugust

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🖋🔍🔦Total #IndependentWoman! She drives a blue sports car, has a boyfriend that she seems to use as an accessory, two stellar girlfriends, and always saves the day.

#AugustGrrl #NancyDrew #Sleuth #Mystery

Cinfhen Go Grrrrl 😍 7y
JazzFeathers Is using a boyfriend as an accessory a sign of indipendence, you think? 🤔 7y
Jess_Read_This @JazzFeathers Saying it partly in jest, it is interesting that he doesn't factor heavily into the stories. He is in a few but the vast majority of the books seem have him present in the beginning of the story as a nod to their relationship status, then she jets off without him- which to me speaks of independence. I'm speaking from the revised books the syndicate wrote not the original ones- I just started collecting the originals to compare. 7y
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Jess_Read_This @JazzFeathers I guess I forgot to add, my personal opinion is that she is a crummy girlfriend. I always thought that, even as a kid. But in the sense of the word independence... She would seem to be so if he was her accessory. I don't agree with it nor celebrate treating a significant other in that manner. I always just found it interesting how he was there but her girlfriends seem to get more booktime than he does. 7y
JazzFeathers @Jess_Read_This lt would be interesting to see how the old stories compare to the new ones. I don't particularly like how female independence is treated today in many YA novels, as if being an independent woman meant being a jerk. Caring for someone and sharing our lives isn't necessarily about forsaking our freedom. Beside, life asks us to take decisions about this all the time. Suggesting that not caring is independence is plaid wrong in my book 7y
Jess_Read_This @JazzFeathers For sure! And this is the message that is being sent to young ladies who see their favorite female leads as admirable and having characteristics they might like to see in themselves. This message is broader than just books. It seems to be a pervasive theme in our culture in television, music, and movies. I'm not sure if she didn't care about him, per se. He just wasn't as important to her as she was to him. Which still isn't great. (edited) 7y
RaimeyGallant Love Nancy:) 7y
Sace Nancy is the best! 7y
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Resolution | Denise Mina
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#augustgrrrl #independentwoman
I'm posting a favourite character from a crime trilogy i loved Maureen O'Donnell, a feisty Glasgow lady who doesn't stop, is very real, by a brilliant writer. If i can sort the photo you may see my deliberate error in my gr review ( I've only just noticed!!) 😂

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Phryne Fisher is a seriously #independentwoman. I've yet to read any of the books, unfortunately. Anyone read them? I LOVE the show, Essie Davis is a dream!

#augustgrrrl @Cinfhen

Cinfhen @Lizpixie is a fan!!! 7y
Bluebird This is another series I've been wanting to start! There's a PBS series based on the books that I have sitting in my DVR. I prefer reading the books first so who knows when I'll get a chance to watch it. 7y
JazzFeathers I've seen a part of the series and read a few of the books. Enjoyed both... though l have to say that the books are more uneven in terms of quality. The tv series is stronger and more cohesive in its continuità, in my opinion 7y
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How to Be a Woman | Caitlin Moran
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Recycling this picture from four weeks ago.

I think that Caitlin Moran not only is an #independentwoman, she also encourages women to be/become more independent.


TrishB 👍👍 7y
Cinfhen I really want to read this one ♥️ 7y
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