She‘s done it again.. I loved this one!
Still yet to be disappointed by an Atwood book #pick #MargaretAtwood #hagseed
And if I haven't raved enough about the Stratford Festival (the Canadian one, for any international Littens who were thinking UK 😊) - as the perfect addition to the amazing production of The Tempest this year, Margaret Atwood will be coming in September!!! There was no question - I already bought my ticket 🙌🙌 #margaretatwood #hagseed #thetempest #williamshakespeare #stratfordfestivaltheatre
Had a lovely evening fire last night and managed to really dive into #Hagseed (LOVING!) as I'm hoping to finish it before I see The Tempest in Stratford in a few weeks. Unfortunately a fire ban is now in effect, so guessing it will be many weeks or more before we can have another fire 😕
An intriguing take on The Tempest‘, exploring revenge and individual liberty, set against the backdrop of a drama therapy group in a Canadian prison. The ending was not quite as strong as I had hoped, but the book was thought provoking. Read my Goodreads review at: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29245653-hag-seed #shakespeare #margaretatwood #hagseed #canadianliterature #thetempest #drama #dramatherapy #prison #williamshakespeare #tragedy
Enchanted by Margaret Atwood‘s novel ‘Hagseed‘, and its gripping exploration of ‘The Tempest‘, which I tend to think of as Shakespeare‘s ‘White Album‘. #margaretatwood #hagseed #thetempest #shakespeare #williamshakespeare #books #bookstagram #currentlyreading #cotebrasserie #muswellhill #n10 #muswellhillbilly #coffee #caffeine #caffeineaddict #booksandcoffee #coffeeandbooks #wakeupandsmellthecoffee #muswellhillsaturday #shakespeareswhitealbum
Finished this a little bit ago! I enjoyed it. I thought Felix was a wonderful character but he got a little bit dull at points. When I read I can see what I'm reading as if I'm watching a movie.
If you are worried about not have read The Tempest no worries it all gets explained in the book!
While reading everything was in gray for me. I would rate it 3.5/5 #hagseed #margaretatwood #retelling
All my library holds came in! Can't wait to get started. #themothers #eveshollywood #thefortunes #hagseed #thismustbetheplace #girlsonfire #allthebooks #libraryhaul