I can't believe the weekend had finally arrived - seeing In Conversation With Margaret Atwood in Stratford tomorrow!!!! Could not possibly be any more excited 💃 #margaretatwood #theBEST #stratfordfestivaltheatre #stratfordfestivalofcanada
I can't believe the weekend had finally arrived - seeing In Conversation With Margaret Atwood in Stratford tomorrow!!!! Could not possibly be any more excited 💃 #margaretatwood #theBEST #stratfordfestivaltheatre #stratfordfestivalofcanada
And if I haven't raved enough about the Stratford Festival (the Canadian one, for any international Littens who were thinking UK 😊) - as the perfect addition to the amazing production of The Tempest this year, Margaret Atwood will be coming in September!!! There was no question - I already bought my ticket 🙌🙌 #margaretatwood #hagseed #thetempest #williamshakespeare #stratfordfestivaltheatre
O.M.G. Where to begin?! Saw The Tempest in Stratford...as if gender flipped Prospero (Martha Henry) wasn't enough to make my heart sing (Note - Julius Caesar also played by a woman this year), costumes were beyond expectation...& the harpy, oh my god - the harpy! Then making the robe from all previous Prospero robes + the tent, & the list goes on!
Canadian Littens (or others who like to travel) - this is a MUST see! #stratfordfestivaltheatre
Less than 12 hours! Can't wait to see Martha Henry in The Tempest #stratfordfestivaltheatre #thetempest
And the countdown is on...less than 24 hours until I get to see The Tempest in Stratford 🙌 #stratfordfestivaltheatre #thetempest