Rearranging my natural found objects vase... seemed like it fit in with the theme of Trace, which I‘m finding more musing and memoirish than illuminating so far..
#moss #lichen #foundobjects
Rearranging my natural found objects vase... seemed like it fit in with the theme of Trace, which I‘m finding more musing and memoirish than illuminating so far..
#moss #lichen #foundobjects
First time wearing these! Hobby Lobby has several different packs of book charms, these also came w/Emma. All you need are some small pliers to open the ring on the bottom of your desired earring back, you can get a whole pack of hooks like these (even hypoallergenic) for a few dollars. Credit to @Jediash1 for showing me hers, I was inspired! 😊
I was totally prepared to read and/or post tonight, but after the #Litsycrash2017 this morning a dear friend helped me grocery shop (for the first time in a month) while our husbands took care of our kids, and it was EXHAUSTING. (👆🏼tired-but-not-bedraggled-like-usual face) So I'm just saying hello and I'm glad the outage didn't last too long because I missed you guys. ❤️📚😊😴😴😴
I come from a land where shopping carts are chained together and a quarter is needed in order to use them. Not anymore!!!! Some people really are heroes 😂
My day has been pretty crappy so I fight back with sarcasm and a bad attitude. This girl needs a drink
Passing this on for the next person to find a treasure of a book. It's amazing what people write down, make notes about & leave for others. Those things get thrown away... and then found! A great book for the voyeur in all of us, put together before we all started creeping on social media.
Are you #missing something naughty? 😯Perhaps you can find it in here. What I love about Found is Davy Rothbart's heart. He's such a good guy, and Found is always done with kindness. #maybookflowers
I made these bookish earrings yesterday at an adult craft class with my local library system.
Found a note in a Goodwill edition of Battle Royale. "Read this when you get time. It's truly sick and disturbing." ?
#battleroyale #tbr #notesinbooks #foundobjects #readthis