My #LetsHyggeSwap package from @Captivatedbybooks was delivered today! I'm super excited to unwrap it on 9/20.
Also pictured are my #CurrentReads : #WhatHappened by #HRC & #TooFatTooSluttyTooLoud by #AnneHelenPetersen :
#Buzzfeed writer Petersen offers an accessible, analytical look at #opinionated, brazen, #unruly #femalecelebrities and how they are pushing the boundaries of what it means to be an “acceptable” woman. | #Feminism #ImwithHer
Jess7 This post also works for Day 19: #Stranger - #AwesomeAutumnBooks because the first page excerpt of this book (pictured above) discusses the writer's experience with #strangers on Election Day when they congratulated her for exercising her #civicduty by voting for the first woman presidential candidate of the United States (edited) 7y
Jess7 If any of my fellow Littens missed #HRC live on #CSPAN discussing the 2016 election and her new book #WhatHappened : I think you can go to CSPAN's website and watch the video tomorrow. I saw an advertisement after the broadcast that said events aired on their show over the past 30 years are available on their website. 7y