My favorite of all of my #favoriteleadingladies #riotgrams
My favorite of all of my #favoriteleadingladies #riotgrams
Here all my all-time #favoriteleadingladies in all of fiction for #riotgrams
- Death and Delirium from Sandman
- Sharp-shooter Petra Arkanian, commander of Phoenix Army in the Ender saga
- Molly Grue from The Last Unicorn
- Lalkhamsin-khamsolal aka Swordcane Lal, Sailor Lal, Lal After Dark, Lal Alone, the most bad-ass storytelling warrior woman you will ever meet.
“... the bad dreams are the way I bleed.” - Lal
While I am a self-confessed SFF nerd, I also love me a good historical mystery, especially if it stars a sassy lady detective. Here‘s a round-up of crime-solving #favoriteleadingladies for today‘s #riotgrams.
Image http://shadesofmagic.wikia.com/wiki/Lila_Bard
I'd rather die on an adventure than live standing still.
- Lila
FacePALM for actually leaving out The Shadow Thief aka Lila Bard, my favouritest #pirate in my list #favoriteLeadingLadies #riotgrams
Then again, she deserves Special mention! 😍😍!