Much loved edition of Pride and Prejudice, over 100 years old and given to me on my birthday. In the background, my favourite #library, the one I have at home. #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge #favclassic #myfavspace #day12 #day13
Much loved edition of Pride and Prejudice, over 100 years old and given to me on my birthday. In the background, my favourite #library, the one I have at home. #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge #favclassic #myfavspace #day12 #day13
One of my favorite classics! I loved this book so much in high school and I've read it two more times since then on PDF because I unfortunately still don't own this book! #wiseblood #flanneryoconnor #somethingforsept #day13 #septphotochallenge #favclassic
I love Alice and could read endless variations of her story #favclassic #somethingforsept