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It was originally published by a company known for its auto repair manuals because no one else would publish it. 😱. Because it was so long and complex.

#DuneBuddyRead #DuneReadAlong

Gezemice Seems like the story of Harry Potter... no one wanted to touch it until Scholastic. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Gezemice Tolkien found similitude problems too. After The Hobbit everyone wanted a Hobbit sequel, not the elves, or the Silmarillion, not until LOTR became a “sequel” to The Hobbit. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Gezemice I think it‘s because truly creative things, they don‘t know what to do with it, or how to market it, because they‘ve never seen it before....which also explains why we see so many stories with similar plots and stories. 6y
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Gezemice So true. And the movies! All are sequels of superhero movies. No one is taking risks. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Gezemice and the TV! How many varieties of cop and hospital shows do we need? 6y
Gezemice @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I don‘t watch those. But TV has produced a lot of high quality series as of late - although mostly on streaming or HBO - GOT, The Handmaid‘s Tale, American Gods, etc. (edited) 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Gezemice Exactly, because we aren‘t ready for the 5th version of CSI, Law & Order, etc, so people who like more unique stories (I‘m betting readers figure in highly in that number) are going more for the HBO and streaming services original programming. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage And _that_is why everyone think Dune‘s just for dudes. It was probably sold in at repair shops! 😜 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage As for TV, we only watch a couple of network shows. It‘s all cable and streaming! And I could even skip some of those! 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BarbaraTheBibliophage Maybe that was it! 😂. And yes, I‘m with you there, a lot of TV is getting way to repetitive. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage p.s. check your hashtags in the original post. I‘m ROFL at the typo #dube instead of #dune for a book about melange-spice-drugs! 🤣 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BarbaraTheBibliophage 😂🤣😂🤣I didn‘t even notice that! I better at least add the right tag! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Right? It made me giggle though. 6y
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Just a little insight into the patterning for Lady Jessica, I know quite a few of you really liked her character.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa And for my friends from from my other epic buddy read #YearOfTolkien, here‘s another great fantasy story where a female lead is patterned off of the author‘s wife. (edited) 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage This made me want to say “Aww. Such a sweet husband!” 6y
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#DuneBuddyRead #DuneReadAlong

So we reached the conclusion! What did you thing? I liked it, but I was a bit disappointed, I was expecting it to end a bit further into the future (guess that‘s what the sequels are for).

Gezemice I thought the ending was good, it tied up things. I must say I preferred Paul when he was less powerful. He was just overwhelming by the end. It was a good conclusion to the story, but in my experience when one of tha major characters of a book (or show) becomes godlike and humorless, it is all downhill from there. Which is why I am not too keen on reading the sequels. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Gezemice Yes, that part bothered me too, you‘re right at the end and yet they left some forbidding clues to the future, even Paul thinks his friends have become his creatures, and the jihad is inevitable. Meanwhile close friends, that he‘s known his whole life think that he is less concerned about the loss of life than the equipment and how fast it can be replaced. From the rest of the story those last two sections painted a more stark future... 6y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa ...and from what the rest of the ending seemed to try to wrap up neatly. Almost like at the last moment he decided to add a few twists in just so it‘d be more open for a sequel. (edited) 6y
GarthRanzz I think this is why I never read the sequels. The book started on such a high point but then started dragging. Paul‘s “ascension” fell flat to me. I agree that such a powerful character just took the fun out of it. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @GarthRanzz I agree, even up to his avoiding the fight to the death with Stilger & making him more of a vassal, to me seemed like a change for the better. Then suddenly within a very short space, that twisted from Stilger being his friend and comrade in arms to being his creature and worshipper. To me that shift, from before the last big battle til after was way to fast and disconcerting based on how the story had been building up til that point. 6y
Gezemice @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @GarthRanzz Exactly! The making Stilgar his creature is the turning point. He could have stayed his friend even in this situation. But by the end he alienates even his mother. He is not human any more. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Gezemice And it‘s so odd, because just before that he is working to keep his friendship with Stilger and then suddenly it‘s like he see‘s it‘s changed suddenly... like it happened between blinks and Paul‘s just noticing it now. 6y
Gezemice @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Yeah. It is in the way he treats his people. He is the Kwisatz Haderach. He is not a friend to anyone. It is interesting - Ender‘s Game also examines the loneliness of the leader. But it is more than that, he is a god. Stilgar is a leader and he is not lonely. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Well, I‘m just glad to be finished. It was just okay for me. The first two books were ponderous. The last book was less so, but I can‘t even begin to imagine caring about the sequels. There wasn‘t enough depth in the characters for me. If I can‘t connect, I can‘t continue. But I appreciate how this book influenced so much of the SFF I read today. For that, I‘m glad to have checked it off my list. (edited) 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BarbaraTheBibliophage Well I‘m sorry you didn‘t love it, but I completely understand...it seems to have gone either way for people. I definitely noticed some drag too, I kept waiting for it to jump into the future a bit and wrap up more completely. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I liked it. Or more accurately I didn‘t hate it. It‘s helped me refine the definition of epic fantasy/SF in my mind. Yes, I need world building with unique places, creatures, and topography. But if I don‘t care about the characters, all the world building in the universe isn‘t going to pull me in. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BarbaraTheBibliophage Have you tried the other epic, but in fantasy....The Hobbit or Lord of the Rings? 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I‘m giving epic fantasy a break for a while. This was the winter of the epics for me, and I‘m ready for another genre. (Dune and The Inheritance Trilogy.) (edited) 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Funny you should ask! I bought both Tolkien ebooks recently, so I‘m sure I‘ll read them sometime. I feel like I need to since they are such influencers on current books also. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BarbaraTheBibliophage I have The Inheritance Trilogy to read too, maybe it will be a summer read for me. But before I even get to that I need to finish her other trilogy. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I want to read her other one also. I have The Fifth Season but not the other books. Yet. I also want to read some Octavia Butler again this year—thinking the Parable books. (edited) 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BarbaraTheBibliophage They‘re quite good, I enjoyed them more because their epic journey moves along a bit faster (more action and adventure and creatures) and has a more satisfying wrap-up for me, now keep in mind I‘m saying that having finished them and only having read the 1st of this series. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BarbaraTheBibliophage I read a bunch of Octavia‘s last year and I have The Parable books to read this year too. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Buddy read for the Parable books?? 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BarbaraTheBibliophage That would be fine by me! When did you think you wanted to read them? Wait a bit since you‘ve just done a bunch of fantasy, I‘m assuming. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Riveted_Reader_Melissa How about starting in June? 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage 🙂 I can take charge of this one, since you did Dune. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage 👍🏻 I didn‘t think you‘d argue! 😎 6y
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How‘s it going? How are you making out? Are you enjoying the experience? What‘s surprised you so far?

For me, really well... I had trouble holding back from reading ahead. My biggest surprise so far, I didn‘t realize it had such an environmental message. And how is this story going to be wrapped up with just one part left....it seems like we‘re still at the beginning of this epic?

BarbaraTheBibliophage I think we are in for a big-time cliffhanger! I‘m finally in the groove with this book. I want to find someone who has connected Herbert‘s themes and plot elements to every other SFF book written since then. And I agree about the environmental message. He was ahead of his time. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BarbaraTheBibliophage I know there are sequels, but I thought they were separate, not direct continuations....guess we‘ll see. I agree about the themes, I felt that the same way when I started reading Edgar Rice Burroughs. 6y
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Gezemice I began Dune Messiah but dropped it. Too soon. It is a different story. Remind me, where are we at the end of part 2? 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Gezemice They‘ve joined the Freeman camp, and we‘ve recently meet the Barron‘s heir apparent in the gladiator ring, if that helps without giving away too many spoilers 6y
Gezemice Oh I see, thanks. They have a great cultural crossroads there. That is a great part of the book. The third part is amazing but in the second part Paul is doing a lot of growing and changing and discovering Freeman culture. I also loved the interplay of mother and son. How they can‘t fool each other. And they are a team - work at each other‘s strengths. 6y
TK-421 I am curious what everyone thought of Jessica's transformation into a Reverend Mother? I love the idea of being awakened to other lives, other memories. The Bene Gesserit have always fascinated me with their incredible control of every aspect of their minds & bodies--every muscle, enzyme, thought, emotion, etc. As a young woman reading this book over 20 years ago, it spoke to the part of me that wanted a sense of control that I didn't have. (edited) 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TK-421 It seemed to me that Jessica got some of what Paul has acquired, but in reverse. She now can see into the past, but only down the avenues of the lives of Rev. Mothers before her, not through the eyes of any other people though. Paul sees into the future, but only some futures, others are hidden from his current viewpoint. They seem to be becoming 2 halves of a whole, I hope they can work together, but I‘m afraid it may drive them.... 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ...further apart. Always looking back, tends to lead to wanting to right past wrongs, whereas Paul‘s looking forward, at least so far, seems to lead him to want to avoid future wrongs. I was even more curious of the effects on her daughter, having all that past embedded in your psyche from the beginning could make her quite a weapon for justice or revenge. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TK-421 as far as the Bene Gesserit training, yes I can definitely see its appeal of wanting to be in such control over oneself and others. But reading it as an adult I find myself sorry for them too, their lives are dictated to them from Rev Mothers before, Jessica was strong enough to disobey an order, but most, like the other we meet in this part (and Jessica‘s mother before) will sleep with men they despise to have children to carry on this... 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ...bloodline or that. That part as an adult, creeps me out, a bit too Handmaid‘s Tale for me. 6y
TK-421 Yes, there's definitely some shades of Handmaid's Tale that I didn't pick up on when I was younger. They have that control, and yet, they don't, they are used by those in control of the breeding program. And the effects of Jessica's rebellion... 6y
TK-421 ...and then her taking the Water of Life while pregnant are massive. Both her children are wildcards that no one expected. 6y
TK-421 Good points! Paul wants to avoid the future wrongs that only he sees while Jessica is awakened to past lives, giving her insights he doesn't possess. Yes, they can each be seen as half of the whole with similarities that unite them & differences that could divide them. Their relationship as mother & son began to change as they fled into the desert. And now, they contend with new abilities that change their dynamic further, for better or worse. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TK-421 I‘m very curious to see where it goes going further...and only one part left. I‘ve never read it before, so it‘ll be a surprise for me no matter what. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TK-421 I can‘t decide if they will be more two sides of the same coin and be able to be open with each other and work together, or if this will put them even more at polar opposites. Paul already seems to see the negative in his mother and the B.G. Ways, and his mother is starting to see the limitations and blind spots of his visions looking forward. There‘s bound to be some conflict there, just as there always is when children exert independence 6y
laundry_piles I'm a little behind but still not totally loving it so it's making it harder to reach for it. 6y
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Yaaaassss! I forced myself to read very little else this week. And despite less than normal reading time, I did it. Finally caught up on the #dunebuddyread. I am now definitely involved in this trippy story. How about my fellow Arrakis travelers?

Heideschrampf Technically i'm not part of the buddy read, but where are you at the moment? I'm close to the end of book 2 (and still loving it!) 6y
Tanisha_A I love that picture and yo amalgamation! ♥ 6y
EricaReads I‘m close to the end of Book 2 😊 6y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage @Heideschrampf I just finished Part Two! I found Part One ponderous with all the world building. Part Two has definitely pushed the cart down the hill, and gotten the plot moving for me. I need to catch up on a library book this weekend, but then I‘m back into Dune next week. It is so intense! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Tanisha_A Haha. Thanks! I just feel so proud of my damn self this week. Did our taxes AND caught up my Dune read. 😜 (edited) 6y
Tanisha_A Happy for you! 😀 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Heideschrampf We are just finishing up Part II as well! So you‘re actually right where we are. We‘ll have a mini discussion on Part II on Sat, and then we are onto part III. Feel free to join us at #DuneBuddyRead #DuneReadAlong 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘d be proud of that too! 6y
GarthRanzz Just about done with Book Two. I‘m a little behind due to other buddy reads but every time I pick up Dune I‘d rather just keep reading it. 6y
Suet624 Such a great book. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @GarthRanzz Reading obligations are a Litsy thing. Nobody else understands this. ❤️📚❤️ 6y
DivineDiana @GarthRanzz I‘m with you! So frustrating that I have to prioritize my readings! 😬 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @DivineDiana I just finished a postal book club book. It was quite ponderous, so I‘m thrilled it‘s over. Now on to my IRL book club book for Thursday. It‘s my pick, so I‘m hoping I love it! 6y
DivineDiana @BarbaraTheBibliophage I know that feeling! 😉 6y
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Untitled | Unknown
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I‘ve got #LOTRChapterADay or #YearOfTolkien caught up on, as well as #ShakespeareReadAlong, and my #DuneBuddyRead #DuneReadAlong is right on track.
I need to keep them that way.

I‘ve fallen a book behind on both #PratchettPosse or #OokBOokClub and I had meant to join in for the #EarthSeaChapterADay with book 2, but it just didn‘t happen. Maybe I‘ll loop back to those books eventually, hopefully.


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#DuneBuddyRead. How‘s it going? I‘m just finishing up Part I today myself, but I‘m completely sucked into this story already! It wasn‘t at all what I was expecting. I was expecting something drier (no pun intended) considering what I‘ve heard of the strong religious/mythology aspects of the story, but I haven‘t found that a hurtle at all, just great story telling & world building. How are you making out? Enjoying or not? Is it what you expected?

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benchley1 Haha I'm on page 6. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I started last night, LOL! I‘m almost at the end of Part I, It goes fast, and I‘m going to have a hard time putting it down after I finish Part I. 6y
Scurvygirl I have been busy, but I cleared my schedule this weekend to catch up and get ahead on all my read a longs! I am enjoying it a lot though. I think the best part is reading the characters in the parts from the movies. It‘s a great visualization. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Scurvygirl I did the same, catch-up on this one, and then Wonder Woman that should have been finished in February for the #GirlPowerBuddyRead and then catch-up with the #ShakespeareReadAlong. Luckily all are pretty engaging reading, which always makes them go quicker for me. Then next week and weekend I want to catch-up with the Pratchett group #PratchettPosse 6y
TK-421 Dune is a reread for me (one of my all-time fave books) but it's been so long since I last read it that I was a little worried it wouldn't have the same magic. Well, it's still got it! I love the characters, the world-building & Herbert's prose still sings to me. I wasn't able to keep to the schedule, I'm afraid... I tore through Dune Messiah & now I'm reading Children of Dune! It sounds like everyone is enjoying it too & that makes me giddy! 6y
TK-421 @Scurvygirl I was obsessed with the movie before I realized it was based on a book, so I often visualize the characters as they were in the movies too! I've also had the soundtrack playing over & over in my head lol 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I‘m not quite to page 100. I love it but have been busy and the print in the paperback is so tiny. I‘m an old lady to say that, but it means I can only read it at certain times. 6y
GarthRanzz I finished up the first section/book on Thursday night. Just as good as I remember it being 35+ years ago when I first read it. It stands the test of time, for me. I was surprised how quickly I was sucked back into the story. Can‘t wait to dig into the second book later tonight. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TK-421 You‘re not alone, I know @gezemice finished the whole first Book already too! 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BarbaraTheBibliophage I had a similar problem originally and already switched to the ebook version. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BarbaraTheBibliophage It was well worth it to me, and as I get older I‘m finding that not only more convenient, but easier to read. You might want to check your library, they might have it on ebook too. 6y
laundry_piles It hasn't reeled me in yet and I'm just not feeling any connection to the characters yet. I might be in the only one 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Riveted_Reader_Melissa The two libraries I use have long holds on it, so I caved and bought the ebook. I know I‘ll be glad! 😜 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @laundry_piles I felt that way in the beginning, but by the time they arrived at their new home, with all the warnings, prophesies, and court intrigues I was invested. I love that the intro to each section is written in the future looking back at this time, and by the daughter of the current Padishah Emperor...which must mean BIG changes as the prophecy unfurls. 6y
EricaReads I‘m only about 10% in, but will try to catch up on my “weekend” (Monday and Tuesday). I‘m enjoying it so far and it‘s also lighter than I expected, but I‘ve had library books I needed to finish before my loans were up. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @EricaReads That‘s exactly what I was doing too the last week of February! Good luck and enjoy on your weekend! 6y
InLibrisVeritas I think I'm with @laundry_piles on this one. It's interesting but I'm not invested. It has some really interesting politics and world building happening but I'm just not feeling the connection yet. I have hope though! 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @InLibrisVeritas @Gezemice said something similar in her post, huge info dumps in Part I, and then after she got through that she finished the whole book in less than a week, I believe. 6y
InLibrisVeritas Fantastic! I'm glad to hear that. 6y
Gezemice @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @InLibrisLibertas @laundry_piles Yes, I was grumbling about the beginning, lots of info but no action. When the action started, it all changed. 6y
Gezemice @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I just buy stronger reading glasses. 🤓 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Gezemice Haha yes. I actually need to go see my optometrist very soon! 🤓 6y
InLibrisVeritas Okay, so I finally finished part one and I'm liking it much more than before. It really picks up towards the end of that section and becomes more interesting. I don't know that I'm overly invested on the characters but I definitely need to know what happens! 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @InLibrisVeritas Yay, I‘m glad it grabbed your attention by the end. 👍 6y
DivineDiana I am enjoying the story and the characters. Have created lists with descriptions to help me learn the strange names and places. Unfortunately, so many other book commitments are getting in the way. On pg. 130. (edited) 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @DivineDiana I completely understand that, I definitely over-committed this month too. But take your time, get to it when you can. I‘ve been trying to squeeze in at 2 hours of reading time everyday...sometimes it works, some days it‘s a complete fail. I‘m behind on a few of my reading commitments, but it‘s going better than I thought overall. It helps that March has been a rainy/snowy indoor month here so far. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @DivineDiana My copies of Dune have a terminology glossary in the back. It helps a lot since Herbert doesn‘t always explain much. I also went Googling for a better map than what‘s in my book. I still can‘t get completely oriented, but it‘s much better either way. https://goo.gl/images/yr4siW 6y
DivineDiana @BarbaraTheBibliophage Thank you! I took a screenshot for future reference! 🙂 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BarbaraTheBibliophage That is a much better map! Thank you 6y
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Finally starting Dune for the #dunebuddyread! I'm not terribly far in yet but so far it's interesting and the audio is a full production with a cast and music/sound effects.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Nice!!! I love audiobook versions like that! 6y
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I‘m finally ready to dive in to the #DuneBuddyRead - just a week or so late. Having just finished an epic fantasy trilogy from N.K. Jemisin, I hope another one will grab me. I‘m feeling a bit unsure, though. But I‘ll give it a go! #dunereadalong #dunesnotjustfordudes

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Well @gezemice loved it and read the whole thing already! So 🤞 6y
Gezemice Yep, I could not put it down. Although I am not sure I would want to read it on a heel of another epic series - it really is more fantasy then sci-fi. The setting is sci-fi but I kept thinking the whole time it was fantasy in its themes - mysticism, witches, dukes, a chosen one, bloodlines... @Riveted_Reader_Melissa (edited) 6y
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TieDyeDude This book got me out of a long reading slump years ago. I'm interested to see what you think. 6y
GarthRanzz I was afraid I wasn‘t going to like it as much as I did in high school. Surprisingly it hooked me in again. It‘s the one buddy read I‘m the furthest along in right now. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Gezemice Even just a few pages in, it seems to have plenty of fantasy elements. And all these new words to learn! 😱 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @GoodForCirculation That‘s a good endorsement. I‘m sure I‘ll keep posting here! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @GarthRanzz Isn‘t it cool when a book stands he test of time? 6y
GarthRanzz It is. Especially when so many don‘t. 6y
Gezemice @BarbaraTheBibliophage The beginning is very dense. He dumps a lot of info without much happening in the first 20%. It picks up after that. 6y
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Dune | Frank Herbert
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Epic. Truly epic. An overpowering saga that rolls over you like a giant sandstorm, so that imperfections just don‘t matter in the grand scheme of things. And schemes are many. All grand. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I know that I ignored all #dunebuddyread rules but I couldn‘t put it down...
#dunereadalong @Riveted_Reader_Melissa

GarthRanzz Out of all of my buddy reads this is the one I‘m the furthest along on because it just flows so perfectly. 6y
Gezemice @GarthRanzz Yeah, it just pulls you along. It is long but you don‘t notice. 6y
laundry_piles Wow I'm truly impressed! It's been a show start for me 6y
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Gezemice @laundry_piles It is a slow start. It starts being a page turner about 20% in. 6y
laundry_piles @Gezemice ohhh good to know! 6y
Bklover I loved this book!!! 6y
Gezemice @Bklover I see why 😊 6y
TheBookStacker I will be starting this after I finish 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Hahaha! Done already! Are you going to read the sequel? 6y
Gezemice @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Thinking about it. I am a bit put off by the general opinion that the sequels get progressively worse. I can see that you could really go there if you up the mysticism quotient. That is something that was walking a fine line for me. 6y
TK-421 I just started book 2! I've read the 6 original Frank Herbert books (not the prequels & sequels written by Herbert's son & Kevin J. Anderson) many times over the years & I can understand the opinion that the books get progressively worse, but I don't really feel that way. Some of my favourite characters are in the last 2 books! I'd suggest just reading the first 3 books if you're leery. The last 3 take place centuries after Paul Muad'dib. 6y
Gezemice @TK-421 Thanks for the info! I did start 2 but I think I am not in the mood for it right now. Might give it a try later. 6y
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