Book #2 from this month‘s #littlefeministbookclub #diverselibrary
Book #2 from this month‘s #littlefeministbookclub #diverselibrary
I ordered this book used on Amazon for Parker‘s library. It‘s a great addition to her #diverselibrary as it features a female lead character with two dads. So, it tics two boxes in the diversity check list. Oh and the girl has red hair, which is also a rare trait. #childrensbooks #diversebooks #diversechildrensbooks #diversity
This was December‘s Little Feminist Book Club Book. We haven‘t read it yet but I love the artwork on the cover. #littlefeminist #littlefeministbookclub #raisinglittlefeminists #childrensbooks #diverselibrary #diversechildrensbooks
January book for Parker from Dolly Parton‘s Imagination Library. I don‘t know if they send the same books for every age. Parker is 4. So other kids who are younger may get different books. #dollyparton #imaginationlibrary #diverselibrary #childrenbooks
This was the next book Parker received from the little feminist book club. She really liked this one a lot. It‘s basically in Splanglish, going back and forth between English and Spanish. We used this to talk about religion and how everyone doesn‘t believe in the same thing. #yosoymuslim #littlefeminist #littlefeministbookclub #diverselibrary #childrensbooks
This is my absolute favorite of the books that my daughter has gotten from the little feminist book club. It‘s absolutely adorable. The main human character is female but it‘s all written as an actual how to book and her gender isn‘t at all relevant to the story (which is weirdly rare). #littlefeministbookclub #diverselibrary #diversechildrensbooks #childrensbook #childrensbooks
Pretty sure this was Parker‘s 3rd #littlefeministbookclub book. #littlefeminist #malala #malalayousafzai #malalasmagicpencil #diverselibrary #childrensbooks #diversechildrenslibrary
Since I caught up on Parker‘s Dolly Parton Imagination Library books I‘ll start showing the books she‘s received from The Little Feminist Bookclub subscription. This was her very first box. At this time they were still sending a toy to go along with a larger activity with the boxes and this one came with really nice and usable children‘s gardening tools. #diversechildrensbooks #diverselibrary #littlefeminist #subscriptionbox #feminist
This was Parker‘s August #dollypartonimaginationlibrary book.
#imaginationlibrary #childrensbooks #freebooks #diverselibrary
I thought I‘d catch up on posting my daughters #imaginationlibrary books. This was July‘s book. #dollyparton #dollypartonsimaginationlibrary #freebooks #diverselibrary #diversity #diversityinbooks