#BoundTogetherJune Day 9: #FruitOnTheCover this story is based on a Cherokee legend that dates back to the beginning of time with the first man and woman who lived together when the world was still new. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-9TS
#BoundTogetherJune Day 9: #FruitOnTheCover this story is based on a Cherokee legend that dates back to the beginning of time with the first man and woman who lived together when the world was still new. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-9TS
I thought I‘d catch up on posting my daughters #imaginationlibrary books. This was July‘s book. #dollyparton #dollypartonsimaginationlibrary #freebooks #diverselibrary #diversity #diversityinbooks
Love. A retelling of a Cherokee tale, I laughed at some reviews of this complaining that it‘s not realistic & the details are inconsistent. Because the garden of eden & a talking snake make so much sense. I found this gorgeously illustrated and realistic in that a man gets home, is annoyed dinner isn‘t ready, acts like a jerk, wife storms off because she isn‘t having that nonsense, & they both cool down & make up when he admits he was an ass.