Any Demigods here?
#lightningthief #camphalfblood #demigod #bookpouch #pouch #ebook #ereader #ibooks #goodreads #crossstitch #handmade #totefairie
It's been a few months since I read this one, but I feel like I enjoyed the art style and story flow more in this book than I did in the other graphic novels of the series. #demigod #greekmythology #mythology #magic #graphicnovel #comic
Just like the other graphic novel adaptations of this series, this book was fun but could have been done better. The flow of the story was jumpy at times, which made it hard to follow despite my experience with the novels. #greekmythology #magic #demigod #comic #mythology #graphicnovel #diversity #lgbtcharacter
This graphic novel was fun but disappointing. I enjoyed the novels, and love to see adaptations. This one seemed to jump randomly from scene to scene at times, making it hard to follow what was happening despite reading the books. #graphicnovel #demigod #comic #magic #mythology #greekmythology #dyslexia #adhd
The novels were excellent reads. I did not enjoy the graphic novels as much because there were several moments where transitions between scenes, or events from one pannel to another didn't make sense or were too abrupt to follow. #graphicnovel #comic #bookadaptation #demigod #magic #mythology #romanmythology #diversity
I'm far from the intended audience for these books, but I've enjoyed them so far. The characters are fun, and I'm enjoying learning a bit about a #mythology that I'm unfamiliar with. #fantasy #hindu #hindumythology #pandava #identity #magic #demigod
Happy Thursday to you all 😄💖 I'm in love with this retelling and this edition is simply gorgeous! One of those wonderful audio books among a few I've listened to. Thinking of reread it before starting her next book Circe. #Mythology #Troy #Demigod #GreekGod #bookberd #readinglfe
I really love Rick Riordan's humorous writing and again the characters were great in this book. Loved seeing Leo return!! But the story was too unoriginal to make this a great book. It was fun, but not amazing.
I started the first Magnus Chase book yesterday and I'm already really enjoying it!
#rickriordan #readriordan #trialsofapollo #thehiddenoracle #thedarkprophecy #camphalfblood #demigod
After reading A LOT of Rick Riordan books (Is that man actually three people or something? How does he write that much?), I finally got to the Trials of Apollo series! I heard so many great things about it that my expectations were through the roof, but I was not disappointed! This was such a fun read😄 And the haikus were great!!
#rickriordan #readriordan #trialsofapollo #thehiddenoracle #camphalfblood #demigod