It was a sweet romance but somehow didn't affect me as much as I would like. The sub-plot about being adopted was more emotional, and I'm interested in the secondary characters. Read more at www.auroralector.com
It was a sweet romance but somehow didn't affect me as much as I would like. The sub-plot about being adopted was more emotional, and I'm interested in the secondary characters. Read more at www.auroralector.com
This spinoff of CLOSE THE LAST DOOR lost its philosophical tenderness by pursuing a plot about back taxes. Read more at www.auroralector.com
...Bento is a solid sequel to Kase-san and Morning Glories 👌😩 I love this series.
Worried that the positive vibes in this one will turn to drama in the next one. 😬 Review to come.
I have to hand it to Less Than Three Press. This is the second novella of theirs I've enjoyed.
But most of the credit it owed to Austin Chant, who is a fabulous writer who really knows how to straddle the line between whimsy and reality. I am CERTAIN this is a book I'll be dying to reread soon. I'm so in love with it.
Finished the prologue and first chapter and... It just ended on such a strong note.
Glad to finally be reading this!
I've fallen so far behind my plan for #sumtbreadathon but to be fair I barely made a plan and this was a good one!!
Pitched as girl scouts do Scooby Doo, it gave me Steven Universe and Adventure Time vibes 😍 I recommend it!
Honestly, some of these stories were really lackluster and I'm kinda unsure how to feel about the collection as a whole. Some stories really knocked my socks off, Nicola Yoon, Cindy Pon, Samanta Shannon, Sarah Enni were my faves and Victoria Schwab, Adam Silvera and Renée Ahdieh get favorable mention, but worst were the YouTuber commentaries. To me it just felt like a gimmick to get the word out and get this book hyped... Maybe only two were ok.
Milk morinaga is an auto-buy author of mine. This new series of hers is almost too cute to stand.
I just posted my review on my blog, link in bio, or navigate to www.auroralector.com to read it. But in short: I loved it and can't wait to see where it goes.
Milk Morinaga is an auto-buy author of mine. And this new series is too cute! I love both the characters and am looking forward to how their relationship develops.
I just posted my review of this on my blog, link in bio.
"A little flesh, a little breath, and a reason to rule all-- that is myself." It's less presumptuous than it sounds.
Just posted my review on my blog.
In sum: I really liked it and think that despite how much we'd disagree on, I'd love to have gotten a beer with Marcus and annoyed the shit out of him with questions. ?
This is the GREAT IDEAS edition and I highly recommend it.
This is a huge deal. I love the sound of this book! (We're still not talking about all the other books I haven't submitted feedback on.)
We're not gonna talk about the 47 other books I still have to read on NetGalley. At least my feedback ratio is up again: 20% ✨💪
I'm really enjoying it, here's hoping the end doesn't disappoint!
Starting this and the first chapter is already so charming and wonderful.
Finally finished my reread of HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE and it was so good. The delicate romance at the end was a little lost on me at 1 AM when I finished reading and I've been in a smoky sort of mood recently so I can't very well hold it against DWJ can I? Then again, so much was good, she's my favorite for a reason.
Back to Ingary! It's my third time (at least) rereading this. Do you ever reread? Why or why not?
What a great book. And here I thought book 3 was the best yet? So much to love in both. This series starts fun but matures into something pretty heartfelt. I teared up at the end when Grover... And I loved the 'dark turn' that Percy's birthday party took. 😈 Really excited to delve into more POVs in the spinoffs!
Percy Jackson just walked in on his own funeral, I'm gonna be chuckling to the Underworld.
I got the chance to read an arc and loved this YA eco-thriller set in Taipei. It's like it was written for me. Anyway, my preorder arrived with some goodies so here's a note that you can read my review on my blog - link in my bio.
Here are the books I'm thinking of reading in July for a monthlong read-a-thon that I'm helping host with @sumptuousbooks ♥ I just posted an intro post on my blog if you want to have a look! If you're joining us, tag your posts with #sumtbreadathon ~ (No need to count, it's 22 books.)
Bookmark is by @wordsbyjasmine and her Etsy shop is currently open!
Finished book 3 last night. Onward to the LABYRINTH!
(Here's a view Dionysus would like... 😏)
Dr. Thorn made a growling noise that definitely wasn't human. It made the hair stand up on the back of my neck, but I forced myself to keep walking and pretend I was being a good little captive. Meanwhile, I projected my thoughts like crazy - anything to get Grover's attention: Grover! Apples! Tin cans! Get your furry goat behind out here and bring some heavily-armed friends!
#percyjackson #rickriordan #summerreading
Didn't I say that killing them with one blow to the head from behind was the objective? To minimize the chance of injury... But... There's another reason for it. One blow to kill them... So you never learn the hollow's human identity!
Surprisingly enjoyable! Sweet and lovely view of behind the scenes in Hollywood as well. I am however finding myself annoyed at books that don't describe skin color, but are diverse. Even though the main character is "one-quater black" as she says, you get no statement of this until more than halfway through when a character named Jamal, presumed black?, asks her about her mother and her darker-skinned brother...
An absolute dud. Give this one a hard pass unless you desperately need an atmospheric affair with a manic pixie dream girl in your life. Bleh.