Worth the hype! The book played with my emotions in just 368 pages. #WhereTheCrawdadsSing #MarshGirl #DeliaOwens
Worth the hype! The book played with my emotions in just 368 pages. #WhereTheCrawdadsSing #MarshGirl #DeliaOwens
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Honestly I was very surprised I liked most of this book. It took me forever to read though the verbiage and dialogue but once I grasped it then I really had the chance to enjoy the story. It even surprised me with some of the parts at the end. Good read and I‘m excited for the movie!
#wherethecrawdadssing #deliaowens
Some afternoon reading today
#deliaowens #murdermystery #comingofage #fiction #firstread
Thoroughly enjoying this read. It‘s a nice break from all the fantasy/urban fantasy/paranormal stuff I‘ve been reading lately. Didn‘t know if I‘d like it, but the reviews were right. It‘s great.
#WhereTheCrawdadsSing #DeliaOwens #book #ebook #kindle #reading
My Goodwill finds! I know the sequel to Ready Player One is happening soonish so I was stoked to find it. Pretty happy with this haul! See any favorites? #readyplayerone #tamorapierce #theshannarachronicles #adiscoveryofwitches #deborahharkness #wherethecrawdadssing #deliaowens #amypoehler #yesplease
I‘m listening to this today and I‘m enjoying it! Have any of you read this? I‘ve heard such good things!
#wherethecrawdadssing #deliaowens #amreading #audiobook
Much hype for this book. It was a pleasant enough experience and the writing did flow well. coming-of-age story and a tale of nature, poetry, love, murder and courtroom drama. Kya is the Marsh Girl from Barkley Cove, a quiet town on the North Carolina coast. It is 1969 and 2 young men become intrigued by Kya. Chase Andrews is found dead and the locals immediately suspect Kya Clark. Read to see how the town handles Kya during her trial.