This book is #fullofadventure with the search for a lost city in the remote canyons of Utah. It is one of Preston & Child's stand alone novels although two of the characters appear in the Pendergast series. #couldntputdown #booktober
This book is #fullofadventure with the search for a lost city in the remote canyons of Utah. It is one of Preston & Child's stand alone novels although two of the characters appear in the Pendergast series. #couldntputdown #booktober
#somethingforsept #couldntputdown
I love me some Gregory Maguire. Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister was given to me back in high school from a close friend, and after I devoured it, I quickly bought Wicked, Mirror Mirror and Lost (Son of a Witch wasn't published yet 😉, nor was Wicked a musical).
A series I #couldntputdown- there is no bad volume in the whole run. It made me a HUGE fan of Neil Gaiman as this was the first thing I'd ever read of his. I'd never experienced art like this or a story like this before. #couldntputitdown #comics
Day 26 of#somethingforsept is books I #couldntputdown
Here are a few of my most recent reads that I couldn't put down. 😍