In the Rockport, Classics-Reimagined edition (2015), every letter in the book is illustrated to look like an actual letter 😍. Darcy's missive in #chapter35 is 6 pages long 😂! It was a fun way to read it this time. #pemberlittens #chapteraday
In the Rockport, Classics-Reimagined edition (2015), every letter in the book is illustrated to look like an actual letter 😍. Darcy's missive in #chapter35 is 6 pages long 😂! It was a fun way to read it this time. #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Love this illustration of Elizabeth trying to balance the contradictions of what she previously believed of Darcy's actions with his account of events in his soul-purging letter. #pemberlittens #chapteraday #chapter35
I‘d apologize for spamming you guys with Pride and Prejudice content today, but this is too good not to share. I happened across this just now and it is so perfect for today‘s chapter #pemberlittens #chapteraday #chapter35
“Put it in the book, honey” #pemberlittens #chapteraday #chapter35 In this chapter we get the exposition and defense of Darcy‘s actions. We get, for the first time, a glance in to Darcy‘s mind from his own perspective. We finally see revealed, Wickham‘s true character in the most satisfying(and justified) Regina George-esque way. Are we due a Georgian era re-do of Mean Girls?
“There‘s nothing you can do, Harry...He‘s gone.”🥺😩😭 I sob every time I read Sirius‘ death. Especially on this reading, the first since the loss of my father. I now know what it‘s like to watch your parent die suddenly. The trauma of that event changes you instantly, especially for a teenager. I suddenly understand Harry better than ever before. #May28 #Chapter35 #BeyondtheVeil #PotterADay