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Oops! I finished this one the other day and forgot to review it! This is the first novel-length installment of the series, and the pacing definitely feels more novel-like. I found the interwoven additional storyline a little confusing (although I get why it's there), but I really like the relationships and the bizarre sci-fi elements.

Photo: Camille guarding our house; she's our version of a SecUnit.

Jari-chan Cat = SecUnit - perfect in so many ways 😸 3w
julesG @Jari-chan ?? you're right. I quoted from Murderbot when my cat was giving me The Look after sniffing at her food bowl. I said "I take the obscene gesture as given." and my son heard it and started laughing (he's a big Murderbot fan, too). 3w
Jari-chan @julesG This is awesome! 😂 3w
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starlight97 I love this series! 3w
ImperfectCJ @starlight97 My elder kid recommended the series to me ages ago, and I finally started it, and now I'm all-in. I used Murderbot as a metaphor for my personal story arc in an acting class the other day, and only one other person in the class had heard of Murderbot (which meant not only that I had to explain the metaphor more than expected, but I also had to explain that "murder" wasn't actually part of my personal story arc). 3w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Hello Camille 🐾 3w
dabbe #captaincamille! 🖤🐾🖤 3w
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