Some daily-ish nonfiction reading for the next month or so. #booksfighthate
Dyed my hair and now onto the next library book! (Note the pouting cat in the background who I won't play with). ❤️💛💚💙💜
Heartbreaking to see this teenage Cree girl find out about the extent of the missing and murdered Indigenous women in Canada. But she's gonna fight. #BooksFightHate
Haymarket Books, who you might know as the indie publisher of Men Explain Things to Me and Hope in the Dark, just published this list of "The Stop Trump Reading List": http://www.haymarketbooks.org/blogs/15-the-stop-trump-reading-list-from-haymarke.... Definitely can be added to our #overthis and #booksfighthate lists. ✊?✊?✊?✊??
This book is so good and so needed right now. I'm growing more aware of how posting that I'm reading stuff like this might look like "ally theater" (something I want to avoid), and I see how continuing to share the effects of racism and white supremacy can be hard for those who hurt from it to see. There are so many facets to all things in life, and knowing how both sides see the issue is important. I'm working on it.
On sale today on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, etc!
Also, please check out the #BooksFightHate tag on Twitter for awesome #ownvoices recs.