This book is so good and so needed right now. I'm growing more aware of how posting that I'm reading stuff like this might look like "ally theater" (something I want to avoid), and I see how continuing to share the effects of racism and white supremacy can be hard for those who hurt from it to see. There are so many facets to all things in life, and knowing how both sides see the issue is important. I'm working on it.
WordWaller #overthis #booksfighthate #fergusonsyllabus #diversebooks #lovetrumpshate 8y
courtney I think at this time "ally theater" may not be as discernible. There's just been a major upset in our country and I think there will definitely be an influx of people trying to read and gain a better understanding about how these things affect their friends/neighbors. One of the best things about reading books is gaining a perspective of and empathy for perspectives that aren't our own and that's awesome! 8y
Notafraidofwords ❤️️ 8y
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WordWaller @Courtney that's true, you're right, and thanks for that! I also think that's the best thing about reading books and it's why I'm a bookseller. Hopefully moving forward we will all continue to learn more about standing with one another, even those who don't read (or maybe this has driven them to pick up a book!) 8y
courtney I hope so, too! 🙌🏻📚 8y
LauraBeth If there's knowledge that I've learned about myself from this election - it's that I have been living in an echo chamber that I designed. I need to leave my bubble and gain insight and understanding for people who don't think like me 8y
moranadatter I think of it this way. We're in a community of people who read talking about what we're reading. There may be some people performing what they read, but that's a little harder to pull off. I hadn't heard of this book & I might not have had you not posted. If I (or another follower) pick up the book, you used your platform to elevate the voice of that author. You might get some likes, but the point was to use your platform to promote the book. 8y
WordWaller @LauraBeth yep, I feel that. I think college especially wasn't that great for me. The past year has been terrible but yet oh so eye opening, and that's so necessary. I think I'll look back on 2016 with gratefulness for that but a motivation to never have another year like this 8y
WordWaller @kmdartist That's so well said, and thank you for saying that. I get really self conscious about everything I do when I read blogs by POC especially, because I want to be doing the RIGHT thing to stand in solidarity but I'm also a huge reader, and this is basically my platform for spreading the word of books, like all of us. 8y
moranadatter Thanks. I struggle with this too. I think a big part of ally theater is performing to someone else's audience or intruding on someone else's space and making it all about you. If you were to put the content of this post in the comments section of someone else's post, for example. 8y