Reading this for #BookRiotInsiders book club and I am behind (like always) but I‘m LOVING IT SO FAR. Hopefully I‘ll be caught up in time for the discussion tomorrow. #bribookclub
Reading this for #BookRiotInsiders book club and I am behind (like always) but I‘m LOVING IT SO FAR. Hopefully I‘ll be caught up in time for the discussion tomorrow. #bribookclub
@MinDea #humpdaypost Great questions!
1. Fun swap from the #bookriotinsiders
2. Stay in, cuddle up, read!
3. Chocolate
4. Cookie jars
5. Chestnuts roasting on an open fire . . .
Litsy wouldn't let me upload the edited and color corrected version of this pick but this is what I'm reading instead of burning through Jonah's Gourd Vine 😬 and honestly this is so much better #bookriotinsiders #bribookclub #studentflife
Conveniently, both of my book clubs chose Nine Fox Gambit for August! #bookclub #amreading #bookriotinsiders #bribookclub
1. Instagram
2. Immediate: stack on top of the bookshelf in my living room. Eventual: Amazon Wishlist.
3. Physical books.
4. Nope too socially awkward.
5. All the Birds in the Sky, RL book club, Sorcerer to the Crown, #bookriotinsiders club.
6. Probably an X-Men comic
7. I honestly can't think of one.
8. Ninefox Gambit I think?
9. House on Mango Street
10. Smart But Lazy: The Story of an Underachieving Former Gifted Kid
3/5;; I am not a big fantasy reader but I gave this a shot for #bookriotinsiders book club and I probably would have bailed on it if if weren't for that. It was a fine book, but both the world and the characters seemed underdeveloped. I liked Prunella well enough but her motives made no sense half the time. The characters seemed tugged along by a plot that didn't play out in a way I found satisfying. #lastsentence
Starting this for Book Riot Insiders book club 😎 I'm excited! #bookriotinsiders #bookclub #currentlyreading
My new favorite internet stop each morning! Loving my epic insider subscription to @bookriot #bookriotinsiders