The Midnight Society has picked their August book!! If you would like to join in on the fun, we would love to have you!
Link to Fable is in my linktree in the comments.
#Book #Club #BookClub #Fable #MidnightSociety #August #Pick #BookPick #JoinUs
The Midnight Society has picked their August book!! If you would like to join in on the fun, we would love to have you!
Link to Fable is in my linktree in the comments.
#Book #Club #BookClub #Fable #MidnightSociety #August #Pick #BookPick #JoinUs
I have learned you can never go wrong with a Loreth Anne White book. she is an absolute phenomenal writer who will have you sucked in from chapter one and you won‘t know which way she is going to have the story go. #review #bookreview #5stars #bookpick #bookly
This book had me hooked pretty quickly and I found myself kept needing to keep reading and finding out more about each character and wanting to know what was going to happen next.
#littlefireseverywhere #celesteng #bookish #bookpick #reesesbookclub #bookaddict #2020reads #quickreview
Hello, I am #newtoLitsy 😊
POLL: What do I read next?
A - #thehouseofthespirits
B - #homegoing
C - #compass
D - #middlesex
A , B , C , or D ???
Comment below with your choice! 📚
#whatshouldireadnext #choosemybook #pickmybook #helpmechoose #bookpick #bookchoices #whattoread #fiction #contemporarylit #contemporaryliterature #choosemynextpick #literature #toomanybooks #LetLitsyChoose #litsypick #choosemyread #pickmybook
Oh man. Loved this book so much. I want there to be more! I desperately want to know more about Frank and what he does in life. #greatbook #bookpick