The tedious part of #bookmail1through12 - double checking every pub date to make sure I get them read pre-deadline.
The tedious part of #bookmail1through12 - double checking every pub date to make sure I get them read pre-deadline.
A private investigator searches for the lost daughter (given up for adoption) of a terminally ill woman.
And that's a wrap for this month's bookmail! Thanks for playing along! And sorry for delays, children were not super cooperative. 😝 #bookmail1through12
"In the tradition of Michael Connelly and Tana French..."
Huh, surprised by this blurb! I love/hate Tana French, but I've never heard her compared to Connelly before. But I am now intrigued by this suspense novel! #bookmail1through12
Somewhat surprisingly, in contrast to the title, this is a thriller set in Hong Kong! #bookmail1through12
The ninth Ruth Galloway mystery, set in Norwich. I've never tried this series, but this one looks interesting! Sorry - have to go pick my kids up. Will resume the rest of the bookmail later tonight!! #bookmail1through12
I hate unbound galleys! Those plastic slipcovers make me CRAAAAZY. So I won't review this one unless all the other titles don't pan out. #bookmail1through12
This kinda sounds like "My Friend Flicka... 15 years later...". I used to love a good horse book, probably worth a read! #bookmail1through12
Whaaat?? Apparently this is the sixth mystery in a series set in Northern Italy. I've never heard of them! But I love Donna Leon and that other guy whose name I forget... {set in Florence... argh! Why can't I remember?} so I'll have to give this a shot. #bookmail1through12
"A man and a woman revisit memories of their love affair on a utopian earth while they are trapped in the vast void of space with only 90 minutes of oxygen left." Whoa. There's a surprising blurb. #bookmail1through12
A mystery centered around the potential non-suicide of a female Indy 500 driver. Ehhhhhh, I really don't care about cars. #bookmail1through12