Day 28: Spines
These B&N classic editions are my weakness. I love the way they look on my shelves and want them ALL. ❤️📚
#Ampersand2018 #bookchevron
Day 28: Spines
These B&N classic editions are my weakness. I love the way they look on my shelves and want them ALL. ❤️📚
#Ampersand2018 #bookchevron
☕Happy National Coffee Day 😁.
#bookchevron #bookandvine #bookorigami
I'm not reading anything currently, why? Because I can't decide which of these books I want to read first 😲.
#nextread #bookchevron #bookandfairylights #bookspines #bookpages #bookandflowers
It's Monday!!! Fingers crossed that we can get through the week safe and sane! 😅 #bookchevron #nature #monday #somebodysgotacaseofthemondays