I have started six (SIX!) books in the last two days. I just can‘t seem to keep with one. I started rereading We Need to Talk about Kevin. It‘s great but I can‘t read that type ATM. Anybody else ever do this? It‘s driving me a bit bonkers! #bookADD
I have started six (SIX!) books in the last two days. I just can‘t seem to keep with one. I started rereading We Need to Talk about Kevin. It‘s great but I can‘t read that type ATM. Anybody else ever do this? It‘s driving me a bit bonkers! #bookADD
So much for only reading a few books at a time. How did this happen? Lol. #bookadd
Please add Finding Peace by Sloane Kennedy. I requested an add a couple of days ago but i wasn't sure how long it takes
Day 2 #Litsygram #Novemberland Thank goodness for this photo prompt "eat me, try me",it reminded me that I started this book last week but put it aside when #bookmail arrived ?here's my book & food and don't judge me...#bookADD is a real problem