I got the book at the #bnbookhaul but listening on audio right now. Love his voice!
I got the book at the #bnbookhaul but listening on audio right now. Love his voice!
For @MrBook today‘s #BNbookhaul from Sister-in-law day. She had a little girl regurgitate all over her while we were there.
Otherwise a good and fruitful trip.
Last weeks #bnbookhaul any of your faves here?
My #bnbookhaul sale book haul. Three of them are for my son for his birthday. The rest are for me because I‘ve been very good and not bought any books for months. Except The Nickel Boys because how could you not? And the new Stephen King that comes out next week because I had to. And also that package that‘s coming from World of Books but *shhhh* we don‘t need to talk about that. 😁
B&N cashier: did you find everything you were looking for?
Me: I most certainly did, considering I drove 30 minutes to this Barnes and Noble for the sole purpose of buying this book while it‘s 50% off (fake laugh so cashier doesn‘t think I‘m a big ol‘ nerd...)
Same (very very attractive) cashier: great...
I don‘t think the fake laugh worked... but I sure am glad I got this book!! #murderino #murdersquad #BNbookhaul
I could have been worse...
#bnbookhaul #bookhaul #IswearIwasjustgoingtobuythree #atleastthetotewasfree
Went a little overboard for my kids‘ back to school book gifts during the #bnbookhaul #bookhaul ❤️
This is part one of my #BNBookHaul! My local Barnes and Noble didn‘t have a very large selection, so I also placed an order online which should be in next week! I also got this free bag for purchasing at least 3 books!
#bookhaul #bnbookhaul It‘s only day one and I‘ve already picked up 3 books so I can get my free tote!
Couldn‘t resist the a favorite from my childhood, in a lovely illustrated edition 🐭🐸🦡🛶💕.... this could become a very expensive week at work!