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My Heart Is a Chainsaw | Stephen Graham Jones
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Why did I immediately think of you @Cinfhen ? 😂😂😂

Tagged book is an example of the genre.


rockpools That‘s such a fun article! I think@I‘d go looking for all of those genres 🤣 2y
AllDebooks I'd love all of these 🤣🤣 2y
Cinfhen OMG, Jenny! I‘ve been seen xxxx of course you thought of me…..#BananaPants 🍌👖 2y
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Lunakay You made my morning with this one!#CozyApocalypse 2y
Chrissyreadit How are you feeling? 2y
jenniferw88 @Chrissyreadit I'm feeling better thanks, not coughing so much but still have the sore throat. 2y
Chrissyreadit I hope you continue to feel better everyday! I swear by elderberry syrup, honey and salty lemon in a big cup of hot water for sore throat and coughs. Sending you healing wishes. 🤍🤍🤍 2y
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I love a dystopia. No exception here. We see the beginning of the end of civilization brought on by climate crisis due to humanity‘s stubborn reluctance to admit it‘s happening and change lifestyles. Sound familiar? This part feels extremely realistic (and probable) to me.

The other storyline is bizarre- maybe aliens on Mars looking to repopulate mostly-empty of life Earth? Kind of #BananaPants but I was into it.

Sietje will pose for treats.

Soubhiville CW! Look it up before reading if you need trigger warnings. 2y
Kimzey 🐶❤️ 2y
UwannaPublishme Awww! How cute is Sietje! ❤️ 2y
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Sorrowland | Rivers Solomon
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I was hesitant about reading this, since I didn‘t care for Solomon‘s last book, The Deep. But Jenny Lawson chose it for the #FantasticStrangelings bookclub pick a few months ago, and I usually like her choices.

Then I really really liked it. It‘s strange and creepy, but also tender. It‘s an escape from a cult and a tale of motherhood and a monster story and a somewhat warped sexy romance… and a thriller. There‘s a lot here, good stuff!

Soubhiville @TheAromaofBooks this was my #doublespin for this month. 3y
Gissy Lovely cover! 3y
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BookwormM Loved this one 3y
Hooked_on_books I approached this one with a lot of side-eye, but I ended up really liking it. 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Delicious Foods: A Novel | James Hannaham
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This book is pretty banana pants, but I actually really liked it. What a strange and unusual way to describe addiction. And a chilling idea of modern indentured servitude.

Eddie‘s devotion to his mother even through what seems insurmountable addiction, Darlene‘s intense sorrow over the loss of her husband, and the hopelessness of debt had me in my feelings.

I can understand why it might have been too crazy for some readers. 🍌👖

Megabooks One of my favorites! 4y
Soubhiville @Cinfhen here‘s my review. Did you ever finish it? 4y
Cinfhen Thanks so much for tagging me!! No, but I really hope to get back to it. Great review ❤️ 4y
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Sweet Ruin | Kresley Cole
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7:40 hours to go. It‘s as #bananapants as I anticipated

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D'Arc | Robert Repino
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I love this weird series! This one was fun, with the intelligent sea creatures joining the power struggle that has already been happening on land. I also liked Sheba‘s international turmoil, trying to decide where she belongs, as well as coming to terms with who she is now.
#bananapants #talkinganimals

Jee_HookedOnBookz The book sounds interesting and I love this pic! ☺️ 5y
Soubhiville @Jee_HookedOnBookz it‘s the third in a series, and I really like them. The first one is 5y
Hooked_on_books I‘m glad you enjoyed it! And great bookface. 😆 5y
TrishB Great pic 👍🏻 and hair 😁 5y
Soubhiville I used this for #BBRC for Dogs Rule! @LibrarianRyan 5y
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Be bold with bananas | Banana Control Board
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I can‘t remember who posted the #AllTheBooks Banana Pants T-shirt , but I got my tank! I love it! From Tee Fury I believe, and they‘ve got it in lots of t and tank styles and colors. Yay #BananaPants 🍌👖!

(Pretty sure this was created by the All The Books podcast folks)

Soubhiville (Taken during today‘s #LitsyWalk) 5y
Lynnsoprano I love this, especially since we have bananas on our banana tree right now b 5y
Melissa_J I‘m pretty sure it was @britt_brooke who posted about the shirt. She has lots of cool tops. 5y
stacybmartin Love it! 💙 5y
britt_brooke @Melissa_J You have a good memory, and thank you! 💚 LOVE it @Soubhiville !! 5y
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Space Opera | Catherynne M. Valente
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I just discovered this is available on Hoopla, so my second #makemereadit is about to start as I get some work done in my stained glass studio. I‘m hoping for a fun, silly, maybe kinda #bananapants read 🍌👖.

Moray_Reads It is all of those things 6y
saresmoore Agreed with @Moray_Reads—there are a lot of wordsmith acrobatics that belie real depth, but on the surface, it‘s a lot of fun. 6y
LectricSheep That is a perfect description! I listened to the audio of this and really enjoyed it. 6y
Soubhiville @Moray_Reads @saresmoore @LectricSheep thanks everyone! About 2 hours in and I‘m enjoying it! 6y
Mimi28 I just got this from the library on Saturday!! The book not the audio, I hope it‘s just as good 6y
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Mort(e) | Robert Repino
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Congrats on your milestone @BarbaraBB and thanks for hosting the #SpotlightGiveaway!

Mort(e) is a fun and wacky sci-fi that fans of the Annihilation trilogy and 🍌👖 books like Hitchhiker‘s Guide should love.

It‘s a story of animals, particularly pets, rising up and taking over the world. With the help of giant ants. For real. Banana-pants. Read it.

BarbaraBB That cover 😍! Thanks for participating! 6y
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Culdesac | Robert Repino
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While I didn‘t enjoy this quite as much as I did Mort(e), it was a fun and fast read. I liked getting to know Culdesac the bobcat, and learn his backstory. I was surprised at the end, and I‘m wondering where Repino will go with the next book, D‘Arc. I may pick it up soon.

These covers are some of my favorites! Simple but so cool!

(Thank you Holly!)

Hooked_on_books You‘re welcome! And those covers are great. 7y
ReadingRover I have Mort(e) on audiobook but haven‘t listened to it. I‘m really excited to. I also have D‘arc in print (which I think is the second book) that I got at as an ARC at BookExpo last year. Idk why I‘ve waited this long. 7y
Soubhiville @ReadingRover I hope you‘ll enjoy them! 7y
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