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Untitled | Anonymous
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Lol I am dying right now because I feel like this. #facts #books #undateable #leavehim #badboy

5feet.of.fury 🤣🤣 2y
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I love anything TM Frazier writes especially anything that comes from the KING series. #darkromance #badboy

Sinner's Creed | Kim Jones
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I became a huge fan of Kim Jones at Book Bonanza this year. The girl is hilarious. She hosted the closing ceremony and completely stole the spotlight. 😂 I‘d never read any of her books so I needed to give her a try. This wasn‘t what I was expecting. It was much more serious than I would expect from her. I did find it funny that she made Harper Sloan into a stripper. That was perfect. 🤣 #romantsy #badboy

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Quick enjoyable read. I like the brothers and will read on. I really want to hear read of the chicks in this books stories mostly Street she seems one of a kind.

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The Blade Itself | Joe Abercrombie
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#BeatleMaynia #BadBoy

The First Law trilogy is chalk full of bad boys that you learn to love...or hate. The author isn't picky.


Eggs 💗🤗👏🏻🎶📚 5y
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You Don't Know Me | Imran Mahmood
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A different take on a crime novel / courtroom drama, but one that I really enjoyed. A teenage #badboy takes to the stand to present his own closing argument in a murder trial.


Eggs 👏🏻💗🤗🎶 5y
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The Talented Mr. Ripley | Patricia Highsmith
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Mr Ripley is certainly a #badboy but I really enjoyed the first book so I‘m looking forward to reading the rest of the series! 👍🏻 #beatlemaynia

Libby1 The Boys From Brazil! I loved that one. 5y
Caroline2 @Libby1 oh good, I‘ve not read it yet but I loved stepford and rosemary so my expectations are high!! 😁 5y
Libby1 I‘ve only read Stepford and would read any of his other books. 5y
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Eggs 💗🤗👏🏻🎶📚💗 5y
LeahBergen I love the Ripley books! 😍😍 5y
Nute Yay, Patricia Highsmith!💕 5y
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How to Walk Away | Katherine Center
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A bad little kid moved into my neighborhood
He won't do nothing right just sitting down and look so good?

Maggie‘s fiancé Chip is a jerk #badboy

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It‘s hard to tell if he‘s ashamed or feeling sick. I know if I ate almost a whole bag of doritos, I‘d be feeling sick. #badboy #dogsoflitsy

GondorGirl Poor baby! Poor bad adorable baby... 7y
Suet624 Oh dear. 7y
CocoReads He won‘t even come out of my room. Lol 7y
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TrishB Aww..... my puppy has just bit my bum and ripped my dress! I‘m now ignoring her..... 7y
JacqMac Aww he probably has a tummy ache. But he‘d do it all again. Lol 7y
CocoReads @TrishB they can be so bad! @JacqMac I‘m sure he does. I also know he‘ll probably get over it pretty quickly. 7y
Karkar Poor baby...hope he is feeling better now 7y
CocoReads @karkar he‘s back to being his usual self but I‘m wondering what other mischief he‘ll get into.... 7y
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Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell, Pat Conroy
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#ohScarlett ?she is "no lady" ?This book is way more #romantsy than I thought, but I'm finding it rather endearing. Do you agree.."love isn't enough to make a successful marriage when two people are as different" I mean Ashley loves books and Scarlett loves Scarlett?‍♀️#gwtwreadalong

Reviewsbylola That did make me stop and think. I'd like to say my husband and I are very different but maybe not. 🤔 7y
Robothugs I think you need similarities and differences to make it work. It all depends on the two people. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 7y
Cinfhen Superficially my husband and I are very different but in terms of values and what we deem important we are completely alike @Reviewsbylola I think you're right @Robothugs right now I'm kind of digging Rhett....I always choose the #badboy 7y
Reviewsbylola I'd say we're like that too. 7y
Mdargusch My marriage is definitely like yours @Cinfhen. Rhett is the man. ❤he might have been my first crush when I read this in middle school. 7y
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